Easter Holiday Home Learning

Happy Easter.

Please continue to log onto Sumdog where you have been set weekly spelling and Maths challenges.

Friday 3rd April – Religious Education
As part of your RE learning and preparation for Easter, we would like you to focus upon Holy Week – this is when Christians reflect on the final week of Jesus’s life. ​Can you complete ONE of the following activities, to develop your knowledge of this special time in the Liturgical Year?
  • Create a PowerPoint that includes information about each station of the cross.
  • Write prayer booklet, to thank Jesus for His sacrifice and offer prayers of strength and support to those who are suffering. 
  • Record the thoughts and feelings of Mary in a journal – how would she have felt at this time? Why?
  • Make a stained glass window about ONE of the stations of the cross that means the most to you.
  • Host a worship session with members of your household. Can you choose a special image or bible passage to use as part of your reflection on the events of Holy Week?
  • Write the words ‘Holy Week’ in large bubble writing and include any relevant religious symbols, signs and Holy colours to decorate it with. 
  • Look up the stations of the cross online and read the Bible story. Can you use drama or role play to re-enact each scene and remember what happened?
Friday 10th April – Religious education
This week, as part of your RE learning, we would like you to focus upon (CHOOSE THE FAITH ACCORDING TO YEAR GROUP STUDY)  Hinduism/Sikhism/Judaism/Islam. ​Can you complete ONE of the following activities, to develop your knowledge of this faith further?
  • A painting of all of the religious symbols found within this faith? Label what each one is called/used for.
  • An information poster including 10 key facts about the religion.
  • Write a diary entry for a follower of this faith – what would their day look like and how would they pray?
  • Build a place of worship for your chosen faith ​(e.g. temple, Gurdwara, Mosque)
  • Create a piece of music that could be used for prayer by the followers of this religion.
  • If you could make a set of rules or commandments for this faith, what would they be?
  • Create a set of top trump, ‘snap’ or ‘pairs’ cards about this faith, to play with your family members.

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