Monthly Archives: February, 2015

Home Learning 26.2.15

Thank you and well done to all the children who have sent in some very impressive home learning models, stories, timelines and posters. You have shown excellent commitment to learning at home!


Think about what you could do at home to earn pennies and change to donate to a charity this Lent time.


Please practice these topic words to use in our literacy writing:

modern, past, Tudor, Victorian, nowadays, century, present

Perhaps you could find some more words to practice which you have found difficult spelling during this project.



Practice number bonds to 10 (e.g. 5+5=10), 20 (e.g. 15+5=20) and 100 (e.g. 15+85=100). Encourage children to use their number bonds to 10 to solve number sentences like 24+16= (if I know 4+6=10 then I should be able to solve ‘24+16=’ by adding the tens and using my number bonds to add the units.

Bug Club, Abacus

Welcome back…

We hope you all had a lovely half term.

Thank you for your donations of ‘junk’ for our DT project next week.

We now have more than enough so please don’t send any more in!

If you have been saving up your ‘junk’ at home perhaps you could allow the children a trial run of designing and making a mode of transport for a king or queen.

We hope you have recieved your liturgy invitations and look forward to seeing you at 10.15am on Tuesday 10th March.


Home Learning for Half Term

Please use the week over half term to carry on with your home learning pyramid projects and work on your online learning.

We look forward to a big show and tell of models and posters after half term.


Please make sure you read every day over half term. This does not have to just be your school reading books but also library books, home reading books and information from the internet when you are working on your projects.



Please make sure you practice your 2x, 5x and 10x tables. If you know these off by heart then begin the 3x, 4x and 6x tables. Practice the four operations of +, -, x and ÷ by making your own number sentences, rolling dice of turning over digit cards.

Bug Club, Abacus

Whole School Pizza Challenge

We are very happy to announce that Year Two were victorious in the pizza challenge!

We also won cleanest workstation overall…

Below are some photos for you to enjoy!

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An excellent end to a fun and creative maths week.

Home Learning this week:

Literacy: I could start thinking about planning my version of Rumplestiltskin for story writing next week.

Numeracy: I could play ‘guess my number’ using the dance equation number shapes I can make with my body. Remember 1 jump for a ‘tens’ number and 2 jumps for a ‘hundred’ number.

RE: I could start finding out about Sikhism and bring anything I find out to RE on Tuesday next week.


Miss Smillie’s Phonics Group – ‘W’ words which all sound different e.g. who, where, when, was, why, what, witch, which

Miss Hele’s Phonics Group- Find words with the different spelling of the /oo/ sound e.g. ‘ew’, ‘ue’, ‘u’, ‘u_e’, ‘oo’.

Mrs Wickes’ Phonics Group- Find words with the different spelling of the /oo/ sound e.g. ‘ew’, ‘ue’, ‘u’, ‘u_e’, ‘oo’.

Miss Stinton’s Phonics Group- Find words where the letter ‘u’ is pronounced differently like ‘umbrella’, ‘unit’ or ‘put’.

Bug Club, Abacus

The morning it snowed…

We were so excited this morning when we got to school and it was still snowing!

We spent half an hour with the rest of the school playing in the snow on the field.

We had so much fun!!

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Puzzle Day!

We really enjoyed collaborating this morning as we taught our classmates how to play our favourite games and puzzles.

It’s great to remember how much maths learning can be experienced through simple games and puzzles.

Hopefully we’ve got Year Two really excited about going home and carrying on playing board games and card games.

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