We’re well underway

It’s great to be back at St Peter’s, and back with a full house across the age groups.  Children in Years 1 to 6 started this second week of term in fine fettle and raring to go.  From Monday, they were joined by our new entrants in the Reception Year, who were gradually building up their school days before going full time next week.  Staggered drop-off and collection times have been streamlined to benefit families and make the school learning day even more efficient, and we are in a position now to move to year group ‘bubbles’ to help with learning support and interventions.  Each year group bubble will continue with different break and lunch times, and designated outdoor spaces in which to play.  All of the pupils have been superb in seamlessly adapting to the new way of doing things in school – they are a credit to their families and the staff at St Peter’s.  And in a great sign of a return towards our usual customs and practices, pupils in Year 4 celebrated our first Liturgy of the academic year with Fr Jeremy and Miss Keogh, Oaklands’ lay chaplain, in attendance.  The beautiful display material used by the children is pictured below.  Sadly, for the moment, we cannot invite families into school to share in these year group worships, but they were remembered in our prayers.

Mr R Cunningham

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