2024 – Waste No More

St Peter’s has just launched its “2024 – Waste No More” initiative.  Following ideas raised by the pupils in our School Council, and echoed by members of staff, we are working to cut down our use of resources and energy, and be more efficient with the materials that we have.  As well as reducing waste and helping the planet, this campaign will bring the bonus of cutting costs and saving the school money which can be spent on the pupils. 

As an example, Felt-tip pens will not be ordered any more for classroom or club use – only colouring pencils or crayons which have a longer life and do not leave plastic waste after use.  Pupils and staff will be encouraged to use fewer paper towels, and make better use of scrap-paper and unused sections of exercise books to reduce our paper consumption.  Shortly we will take delivery of new photocopier-printers in school, having negotiated both a cheaper contract and secured machines that are more efficient and are made from recycled plastic.  Staff will also have recycling points for glass jars, as we get through a lot of coffee on a typical school day, and steps will be taken to add reinforced covers to new books we purchase so that they literally have a longer shelf life.

Mr R Cunningham

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