Happy Half Term- Friday 22nd May

Well we have definitely had the most unusual half term that I have ever known and am sure that a break is deserved by all.

We will not be setting any new home learning over the half term period but will encourage you to continue to read, practise times tables and use it as an opportunity to catch up on any home learning you may have missed from the last few weeks.

As ever, we are missing you and thinking of you and very much remain your teachers.

Mrs Osborne, Miss Foote and Mrs Sumba.


Home Learning Friday 15th May 2020

Year 2 Home Learning Friday 15th May 2020


Hello again from all the adults in Year 2. See the post below about what some of us have been up to this week.

Please remember as you go about completing this home learning that our priority is reading, writing and maths so use your time to complete the tasks set for those. Pick and choose from the topic, science, RE and Art; there is no expectation to complete them all. 


This week’s English lessons come from the Government’s online school, Oak National Academy. The lessons start with a teacher explaining the lesson and setting the tasks; the children can click through at their own pace, pausing the video when needed. All they need is a pencil and paper. We have found that the best internet browser to use for the lessons in order that the videos work is Google Chrome.  

Lesson 1: https://www.thenational.academy/year-2/english/the-firework-makers-daughter-to-retrieve-information-year-2-wk1-1

Lesson 2: https://www.thenational.academy/year-2/english/the-firework-makers-daughter-to-find-the-meaning-of-words-year-2-wk1-2

Lesson 3: https://www.thenational.academy/year-2/english/to-identify-the-key-features-of-instructions-year-2-wk1-3

Lesson 4: https://www.thenational.academy/year-2/english/to-identify-and-use-adverbs-year-2-wk1-4

Lesson 5: https://www.thenational.academy/year-2/english/to-write-a-set-of-instructions-year-2-wk1-5


As part of the online lessons, there are weekly spellings set. This week these are:

door mind
floor kind
poor behind
because child
find children

On SUMDOG, you will find set spelling challenges to be completed. In addition, below is a copy of the Y1 and Common Exception word lists for you to learn at home.



Please continue to check MyMaths where you will be set a series of tasks to complete each week as well as logging into Sumdog to develop your maths skills.

National Oak Academy

These next lessons will have a teacher teaching you a virtual lesson, and activities to follow. They follow on from the maths home learning set last week. Please follow the link to access the videos.

Lesson 1: https://www.thenational.academy/year-2/maths/to-name-and-describe-3-d-shapes-year-2-wk1-4

Lesson 2: https://www.thenational.academy/year-2/maths/to-identify-2-d-shapes-on-the-surfaces-of-3-d-shapes-year-2-wk1-5

Lesson 3: https://www.thenational.academy/year-2/maths/to-describe-and-create-shape-patterns-year-2-wk2-1

Lesson 4: https://www.thenational.academy/year-2/maths/to-compare-and-sort-2-d-and-3-d-shapes-year-2-wk2-2

Lesson 5: https://www.thenational.academy/year-2/maths/to-describe-the-position-of-an-object-year-2-wk2-3

In addition to this, HIAS have set some weekly Maths problem solving challenges using strategies we use in school. Click on the link to view and try these.

HIAS Maths 1

HIAS Maths 2


 Balancing Structures

The activity – Make a balancing toy.

Experiment with the design of your toy to find out what affects whether or not it balances.

Learn about the centre of mass of an object and how it relates to whether or not something balances.

https://www.rigb.org/docs/balancing_sculptures_infosheet_0_0.pdf – activity worksheet in full

What you need:

  • A carrot or similar vegetable
  • Kebab skewers
  • Marshmallows and/or other jelly type sweets, or small pieces of carrot or similar hard vegetables.
  • Plasticine or blu-tac
  • 500ml soft drink bottle or washing up liquid bottle

Stage 1: Cut a piece of carrot about 3 cm long. Stick a kebab skewer into one end of the piece of carrot and break the skewer so that you have only 2 or 3 cm of it sticking out. Try to stand the carrot piece up on the end of the kebab skewer – you should find this very difficult, if not impossible to do.

Stage 2: Stick a kebab skewer into each side of the carrot so that they point downwards at about 45 degrees. Then stick a marshmallow or other jelly sweet onto the ends of the skewers, as shown in the picture below. Place this on top of a bottle and you should find that it balances.

Get children to investigate what happens when you slide the marshmallows up and down the ‘arms’ of the sculpture and if you add more marshmallows. Stick an additional two or more kebab skewers into the carrot and challenge children to add at least one item to each skewer and still keep the sculpture balanced.

Questions to ask children: With just central part of the sculpture: why doesn’t this stay balanced? Before showing them stage 2: do you think we can use more kebab skewers and anything else to help it balance? Why do you think it balances like this? What can we change? (position of skewers, items pushed onto the skewers, position of things on skewers) What do you think will happen if we change these things? What do you think we need to do to make sure our sculpture balances?

Going further:

Try making some animal-shaped balancing toys: http://bit.ly/AniBalance

Make a balancing butterfly: http://bit.ly/BalanceButterfly

Topic (2 weeks).

Lots of you know that Mrs. Sumba’s husband comes from Kenya. For his tribe, it is the custom for the sons to build houses on the family land which they call the home. Mrs. Sumba has drawn a map of the Sumba family home.

Task 1 -Look carefully at the map and key and complete the table:

How it is the same as my home. How it is different to my home.






Task 2- Draw a map or plan of your family home. Don’t forget the key.


Friday 15th May


Persons with Long Ears from The Carnival of the Animals


Listen to the violin.



Is this music sad or happy?

Which kind of animals might have long ears?

Can you draw them?



Art Challenge Famous Landmarks:

For this week’s Art Challenge I would like you produce some art that is linked to a famous landmark.  Your landmark can be natural or man-made. It can be a drawing, a sculpture made from recycled materials, a collage, something made out of pebbles and twigs ,  it could be drawn on a tablet or made out of Lego, or indeed  else that you can think of.  I have even seen Big Ben made out of socks!  Let you imaginations run wild!

Here are a few ideas:

However, if this doesn’t appeal to you can still send any other art work to me and I will post that on the Blog too.

Please email your artwork to me:


Thank you

Keep creating and keep safe!

Mrs Pearson

What we have been up to this week…

Mrs Pitman: This week I was extremely lucky as we had a hedgehog in our garden.  Unfortunately hedgehogs numbers are declining in England now. So it really was amazing to see one.  I haven’t seen one for about 15 years. Unfortunately we didn’t get a photo as we were too busy watching it, but I’ve got a picture off the internet to show you how wonderful they are.

If you do see one in your garden or out on a walk there is a great website that you log onto to inform them that you have seen one.  This website then does a map of everywhere the hedgehogs have been seen.

Mrs. Sumba and her family are trying to do a jigsaw puzzle of the Titanic- it is very challenging!


Mrs Taylor: This week I have been finding new places to walk with my sons and my dog Mollie ( because despite the extra walks she is still a little over weight ). Having lived in waterlooville all of my life, I have still been able to discover some beautiful places I have never been before. For VE Day I joined the nation in celebrating, it felt sad that we couldn’t celebrate in the style we were hoping but we have hung out our home made bunting and had a social distanced street party. I hope you had a lovely time marking the  special day. Stay safe and stay strong.

Mrs Pallet: hello I hope you are all well, my son William & I have been busy planting seeds. We decorated pots & in Williams he’s planted “seeds for butterflies” & mine is “seeds for bees”. I have also planted cucumber seeds & the plants are doing well, fingers crossed I’ll have cucumbers which I’m really excited about as I’m not very good with plants! Hope you are all keeping busy & I’m looking forward to seeing you all very soon.

Home Learning Friday 8th May 2020

Year 2 Home Learning Friday 8th May 2020

Hi Year 2! We miss seeing you all everyday!

We’d like to share what we have been up to this week!

Miss Foote

Hi everyone, I hope you are all well! On Monday, the children and I made mini-beast hotels in school and we also had an investigation into which mini-beasts were inside our hotels. We found some fantastic insects such as spiders, a centipede, lots of woodlice and we even spotted a dragonfly nearby! I have also been planting some basil seeds, although most plants I have do not seem to last very long at all! Fingers crossed these seeds decide to grow! If not, I will keep asking Mrs Osborne for advice! I’m still going on long walks around my local area, which I know lots of you are doing as well! It is nice to get out and about isn’t it? Keep sending your photos and updates to the class email! (elephants@stpeterswaterlooville.hants.sch.uk) I love seeing what you are all up to! I’ve been very impressed with all the work I have seen so far.

I hope you have a fabulous weekend! Stay safe 🙂


Mrs Osborne

I have been learning how to make fudge this week and was also delighted to see a double rainbow after the huge rain. I took lots of photos of it and thought of all our key workers who are keeping us safe.

Mrs Pitman

This weekend is the 75th Celebration of Victory of Europe VE DAY.
Today we pay our respect and huge gratitude to all the Armd Forces who fought for us and our freedom. Today I also thank my Great Grandad who fought in the 1st, my Grandad and Great Uncle who fought in the 2nd world war. My father was in the SAS and my son is now in the AAC. Do you recognise anyone from the photo?….(the young female soldier).Image
Home Learning Tasks:

Please complete the reading, writing, spelling and maths tasks. Then choose one of the other activities set.


Please continue to read daily for 10 – 15 minutes. You can read books from your book shelf at home, magazines or log onto.


Attached is a mini reading project about ‘The Snow Dragon’  by The Snow Dragon, by Abi Elphinstone & Fiona Woodcock which you can download on https://www.lovereading4kids.co.uk/extract/16681/The-Snow-Dragon-by-Abi-Elphinstone.html

Please complete the word reading exploration task, read aloud and discuss the text answering the questions provided.

Writing – Oliver’s Vegetables by Vivian French. 


This weeks writing learning is based around the book Oliver’s Vegetables by Vivian French. There is 5 days worth of writing tasks so plenty to be getting on with.

Olivers Vegetables


On SUMDOG, you will find set spelling challenges to be completed. In addition, please continue to practise your letters and sounds using resources from www.twinkl.com and www.phonicsplay.co.uk. Below is a copy of the Y1 and Common Exception word lists for you to learn at home.

Year 1 CEW colour by similar letter pattern Year 2 CEW colour by similar letter pattern


Please continue to check MyMaths where you will be set a series of tasks to complete each week.

National Oak Academy

These next few lessons will have a teacher teaching you a virtual lesson, and activities to follow. Please follow the link to access the videos.

Lesson 1: To identify shapes by vertices and sides.


Lesson 2:  To identify right angles in shapes.


Lesson 3: To recognise lines of symmetry in 2D shapes.



In addition to this, HIAS have set some weekly Maths problem solving challenges using strategies we use in school. Click on the link to view and try these.

Year 2 Week 4 and 5 Task 1 year 2 Week 4 and 5 Task 2



Did you notice that if you make a ball with oobleck or gloop it feels solid, but if you drop the oobleck on the floor it turns liquid again? The slime is a non – Newtonian fluid as it doesn’t flow like liquids normally do.



Cornflour gloop ( oobleck )  is made up of molecules arranged in long chains. When the chains are stretched the liquid will flow, but when you force them together they stick together to form a solid.


  • Cornflour
  • Water
  • Food colouring – optional
  • Ice cube trays – optional
  • Mixing bowl
  • Colander, funnel and beakers – optional, but great for messy fun!


  • Fill a cup with cornflour and add to the bowl
  • Add water very slowly mixing with your hands, until you get a sticky, slimy gloop.
  • If you want to make it coloured add some food colouring. ( be careful this can stain skin and clothes)
  • Play with the slime and see how it behaves. Can you make it into a ball? and what happens if you throw it onto the floor?
  • Can you squeeze the slime into a ball? What does it feel like? How long does the ball stay solid after you let go?
  • If you used less water do you think the slime would fall faster or more slowly through the colander?


Can you make a giant oobleck tray and walk on oobleck?


To make our giant oobleck tray – pour about 1 kg of cornflour into a large black tray and slowly added water until the consistency was wet, but solid when squeezed.

Computing (2 weeks)

Please go onto the site: www.hourofcode.com

The children have used this website during computing lessons in school so they should be familiar with the layout. Please select ‘activities’ at the top of the page, and click on ‘Imagine a World’ (skip past the tutorial as the children should be confident using the programme). This task is connected to the topic activity below, and the children should use the research they have found out about Kenya to support their ideas.

Task: Create a Kenyan Habitat.

Points to consider:

  • Which background is suitable?
  • What animals should you programme to commit a particular action?
  • What could the buildings look like?
  • What could the people be doing?

Please feel free to screenshot pictures of the children’s work and send to our class emails. We’d love to see their work!

Topic (2 weeks)

Lots of you know that Mrs. Sumba’s husband comes from Kenya. For his tribe, it is the custom for the sons to build houses on the family land which they call the home. Mrs. Sumba has drawn a map of the Sumba family home.

Task 1 -Look carefully at the map and key and complete the table:

How it is the same as my home. How it is different to my home.


Task 2- Draw a map or plan of your family home. Don’t forget the key.


As part of your RE learning, we would like you to focus upon the upcoming celebration of Pentecost – this day is celebrated fifty days after Easter Sunday, to remember how the Holy Spirit appeared to the Apostles of Jesus and gave them hope while they were in Jerusalem. ​

Can you complete ONE of the following activities, to develop your knowledge of this special time in the Liturgical Year?

  • Create a religious crossword that includes the following key words and symbols: wind, flame, tongue, Holy Spirit, disciples, Jerusalem. Can you add more of your own? Don’t forget to record your clues!
  • Design a celebration card to spread the Good News at Pentecost – could you post it to a friend to spread joy and hope at this difficult time?
  • Write a drama script to ‘act out’ the scene of the disciples as Pentecost with your family at home – what happened to the followers of Jesus?
  • Make 10 quiz questions about the Pentecost story. Could you ask a friend or family member about them when you next chat on the webcam/internet, or over the phone?
  • Imagine you are a news reporter who has been sent to Jerusalem to find out more about the events that took place at Pentecost. Which 5W questions (who, what, where, when, why) would you ask the disciples?
  • Build a model of one of the following Pentecost symbols (flame, wind, speaking in tongues, Holy Spirit) to put on display and remind you that Jesus is near. Which resources could you use from home? Plasticine, recycled plastic, painted cardboard?
  • Research the story of Pentecost on the internet, from a Biblical website. Can you draw a thought bubble and record how the feelings of the disciples changed throughout the story?

Music -Aquarium

Listen care fully to the music.


Can you spot when it gets loud and quiet?

What might live in the aquarium? What else might you see?

Could you create an aquarium in a bowl of water? How might the animals move around?

Art Challenge


For this week’s Art Challenge I would like you produce some art that is linked to a superhero. Your superhero can be real, such as our key workers, or someone in your family, or a fictional character from a comic, film or your own imagination.  It can be a drawing, a figure made from a kitchen roll tube, street art or anything else that you can think of.

I hope this may inspire you:

This new Banksy artwork has appeared at Southampton General Hospital.It shows a young boy kneeling by a wastepaper basket dressed in dungarees and a T-shirt. He has discarded his Spiderman and Batman model figures in favour of a new favourite action hero – an NHS nurse. The artist left a note for hospital workers, which read: “Thanks for all you’re doing. I hope this brightens the place up a bit, even if it’s only black and white.”

However, if this doesn’t appeal to you then you can still send any other art work to me and I will post that on the Blog too.

Please email your artwork to me:


Thank you

Keep creating and keep safe!


Mrs Pearson

Home Learning Friday 1st May 2020

Please use the blog for checking Home Learning as that is where it will be posted with easy to follow links and downloadable documents.


Please continue to read daily for 10 – 15 minutes. You can read books from your book shelf at home, magazines or log onto.


Attached is a mini reading project about a poem called The Sound Collector by Roger McGough which you can watch on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIL0kgnxJIo

Or download:


The Sound Collector Reading task


This week’s writing learning is based around the book The Day The Crayons Quit by Oliver Jeffers. There is 5 days worth of writing tasks so plenty to be getting on with.

The Day the Crayons Quit writing task


Watch or enjoy an excerpt here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hrd-Wdxbg-Q




On SUMDOG, you will find set spelling challenges to be completed. In addition, please continue to practise your letters and sounds using resources from www.twinkl.com and www.phonicsplay.co.uk. Below is a copy of the Y1 and Common Exception word lists for you to learn at home.



Year 1 CEW colour by similar letter pattern

Year 2 CEW colour by similar letter pattern



On SUMDOG, you will find both maths challenges and times table activities. Remember to keep practising your number bonds to 10, 20 and place value of number.

On MyMaths you will be set a series of tasks to complete each week.

In addition to this, HIAS have set some weekly Maths problem solving challenges using strategies we use in school. Click on the link to view and try these.


Year 2 Week 3 Problem 1

Year 2 Week 3 Problem 2

Mrs Osborne had a go showing you how the first problem could look… once you have done it will one set of numbers, try another way. Don’t worry if you make a mistake- Mrs Osborne did!



click the link below to access this week’s family science task

Family Science Activity 1.5.20


Hens and Roosters

Listen carefully to the music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHYSx6x1Ttw



Can you hear how the music shows the hens and roosters scratching the ground?

Can you hear them crowing and clucking? Create your own hens and rooster music using everyday objects.


Art Challenge Celebrations for VE Day

Portsmouth Naval Base is looking to mark the occasion of VE day and need YOUR HELP!  They have asked for you to draw pictures on the subject of WW2 & VE DAY and as an extra challenge try to incorporate a rainbow somewhere in the picture (even in the corner).  The pictures will be displayed within the Naval Base and once the day is over they hope to make contact with local nursing homes to distribute the pictures to help cheer our elderly  community. If you would like your work sent to the Naval base you will have to email it to me by Monday evening.  However, all work sent to me, even after Monday, will still be displayed, as usual, on the Art Blog.

In addition to the drawings for the Naval Base,  I  would appreciated any art and craft linked to this important historic  occasion , such as bunting, chalk drawings,  figures of soldiers, planes or medals. I know, as always, you will blow me away with your imaginative ideas and creativity.

Please email your artwork to me:


Thank you. Keep creating and keep safe!

Mrs Pearson


 Friday 8th May is VE day celebrations so please take part in this home learning to engage with understanding what it is all about.

Read through the Twinkl PowerPoint and watch this video to learn about what VE day celebration means: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/history-ks2-ve-day/z7xtmfr

Choose from the activities below:

Activity 1-Design your own medal looking at the attached document for some ideas. You can draw, colour then label it on paper or you could make a medal using different scraps of materials around your home. I don’t mind how you choose to do it just be creative and enjoy engaging in the learning about this celebration.

Activity 2-Imagine you are reporting to the news about this victory. Dress up as a soldier and talk about how you might have felt about this celebration. Express how excited you are and can’t wait to see your families.

Activity 3-Write a postcard to a missing family member telling them about your VE day celebrations. Draw a picture on the other side to show what you did and what you saw.

Activity 4-Make your own radio broadcast to announce Victory in Europe. You could even pretend to be Winston Churchill!

If possible, send photos or videos of your work to myself (Mrs Conlon) via my class email address so they can be put onto the school curriculum blog: starfishclass@stpeterswaterlooville.hants.sch.uk

Have lots of fun learning all about this special celebration.

I am looking forward to seeing your great history learning.

Best regards

Mrs Conlon

(History lead teacher)





What we have been up this week…

Hello all. This week  it is Mrs Pitman, Mrs Pallett and Mrs Taylor’s turn to tell us what they have been up to!


Mrs Pitman has been playing Uno with her family most nights, the winner gets a sweet.

My family and I were going to Paris at Easter, my daughter Josie was a little bit upset that we couldn’t.  So I did a virtual tour of Paris for her. For each little picture (like the euro star)  We pretended we were there…….The man in front of us had a long messy brown beard he had his head to the side and was sleeping, his wife was reading a book, we couldn’t see what the book was called. The little boy who had lovely curly hair was trying to play pick-a-boo with her. Oh the Eiffel tower was the best, it was so high, I’m sure the top reached the stars. Our knees were knocking together because we were so nervous going up it.  Once we got to the top, we could see the whole of Paris, what an amazingly beautiful city. My daughter loves art so when we went to Le Lourve her face lit up with joy. Phew… we were so tired afterwards that we went back to our hotel, flaked on our beds.  When we woke up we were back home.Josie said she had an amazing time on our virtual Paris tour and can’t wait for our next one.


Mrs Taylor: This weekend I should of been running a Beaver scout camp with the group I run. So rather than waste the beautiful weather I got the Beavers to have a camp in their own homes. The Beavers ( my son included ) shared their pictures of tents put up, in door dens made to sleep in, campfires ( some were real others were virtual or crafted) and they also learnt some new campfire songs. The Beavers had a great time having fun at home. I look forward to hearing any adventures or new things you’ve been doing and I can’t wait to see you all soon.


Mrs Pallett:

I’ve been busy walking with my family & we’re fortunate enough to live 15 minutes walk from the sea, keeping fit by hula-hooping in the garden, planting seeds & being creative by rock painting. Hope your all well, stay happy & positive & I’ll see you all soon x

Home Learning Friday 24th April 2020

Year 2 Home Learning

Hello Year 2! We hope you are all well. We have heard from many of you that you are out enjoying the sunshine which is definitely helping  use to stay at home.

We have so enjoyed chatting to you on the phone and thought we would let you know what we have been up to as well.

Mrs Osborne has been enjoying her garden and has been loving the fact that she can dry all her washing outside in the sunshine. She has been doing lots of walking and bike riding to try and tire out her 10 year old son and has been trying to wake up very early and get out and have a coffee in the garden.



Mrs. Sumba has been practising painting flowers in watercolor; aren’t they great!


I have been spending lots of time with my dog, Theodore. He is very needy and doesn’t like the sunshine because he gets too hot! I’ve been going on lots of walks around my house. I’m really lucky to have some beautiful walks around me. I have heard that lots of you have been walking too.  I have really enjoyed speaking to you on the phone as I miss seeing you at school! I hope you are all keeping safe and are enjoying the sunshine! Have any of you been lucky enough to get Disney Plus? If you have, what is your favourite thing you are watching on it? I keep watching Finding Dory and Moana! Miss Foote 🙂





Please use the blog for checking Home Learning as that is where it will be posted with easy to follow links and downloadable documents.


Please continue to read daily for 10 – 15 minutes. You can read books from your book shelf at home, magazines or log onto.


Hampshire HIAS has also written some resources for pupils which we will be adding. This weeks is a document which shows you activities you can do with your children at home using the books you already have. It is titled ‘Menu of reading response ideas’ and if you click the link you will be able to view it in full.

Attached is also a mini reading project about The Big Blue Book with a link to a free downloadable version of the book to support your learning.

The Big Blue Book

Writing – Watch the video, ‘Don’t go’ below:


Write a set of instructions to help the pink creature avoid being caught by the cat.

Success Criteria:

  • Use ‘How to…’ in your title.
  • List of equipment which might be needed.
  • Use clear, simple sentences.
  • Use imperative verbs.
  • Numbers or bullet points could be used to show order.
  • Could you draw a diagram?

Question time!

  1. How do you think the cat felt before the pink creature arrived?
  2. Could you write two adjectives to describe the pink creature’s character?
  3. Where could the pink creature have come from?

Up for a challenge?

Create a new world for the pink creature. Describe the world you have created and explain why the pink creature may need these features.

You could create a 3D model, collage or painting to represent his/her new world!


On SUMDOG, you will find set spelling challenges to be completed. In addition, please continue to practise your letters and sounds using resources from www.twinkl.com and www.phonicsplay.co.uk.


On SUMDOG, you will find both maths challenges and times table activities. Remember to keep practising your number bonds to 10, 20 and place value of number.

On MyMaths you will be set a series of tasks to complete each week.

In addition to this, HIAS have set some weekly Maths problem solving challenges using strategies we use in school. Click on the link to view and try these.

Year 2 Week 2 Problem 1 Year 2 Week 2 Problem 2

Science (2 weeks)

We have been learning lots of about different habitats and focusing on our gardens. This week, we would like you to design and create your own ‘minibeast hotel’. The images below are there to help you, but you do not have to do the same.

Topic (2 weeks)

How is life in Kenya different to life in England?

Find out about schooling, farming and houses. You could make a poster, leaflet, fact sheet or a mind map where you show your findings. You could also use a Venn Diagram to organise you ideas e.g.

Kenya England

Music- Tortoises

Close your eyes and listen to:

Can you move around to the music? Is it slow or fast?


Now move around to:


Is this slow or fast?

What else did you notice?

Did you spot that they are the same tune? Saint-Saens slowed down Offenbach’s famous Can- Can music and used it to represent tortoises

Art from Mrs Pearson


The title for your art this week is ‘Under the Sea’.  This can take the form of a drawing, a painting, a sculpture,  a collage or anything else that you would like to create. As always, I’m sure you will impress me with your creativity!

Here are some ideas

However, if this doesn’t appeal to you can still send any other art work to me and I will post that on the Blog too.

Please email your artwork to me:


Thank you

Keep creating and keep safe!

Mrs Pearson


Enjoy your week!

From the Year 2 Team 🙂

Home learning for Friday 17th April: Part 1

Year 2 Home Learning

Friday 17th April 2020

Hello, we hope you have had a peaceful Easter. 

This blog post contains many links so be sure to click on them to be able to view PDF documents mentioned.


Please continue to read daily for 10 – 15 minutes. You can read books from your book shelf at home, magazines or log onto.


Hampshire HIAS has also written some resources for pupils which we will be adding. This weeks is a document which shows you activities you can do with your children at home using the books you already have. It is titled ‘Menu of reading response ideas’ and if you click the link you will be able to view it in full.

Attached is also a mini reading project about Meerkat Mail with a link to a free downloadable version of the book to support your learning.


Menu of reading response ideas KS1

Meerkat Mail


Writing – Look at the picture below:


Sick sentences

These sentences are ‘sick’ and need help to get better. Can you improve them?

A boy looked through the fence. The boy held a camera. He stood on grass.

Sentence challenge

Can you use expanded noun phrases to describe what they boy might see?

For example: As he peered through the old rickety fence he caught a glimpse of a space ship made of jelly.

Up for a challenge?

Imagine you can spot anything through a garden fence. What would you see? How could you describe it? Write a piece of writing using your best imagination and adjectives to describe.

We have also included a bank of writing ideas for you to pick and choose from at home.

Bank of writing ideas – KS1


On SUMDOG, you will find set spelling challenges to be completed. In addition, please continue to practise your letters and sounds using resources from www.twinkl.com and www.phonicsplay.co.uk.


On SUMDOG, you will find both maths challenges and times table activities. Remember to keep practising your number bonds to 10, 20 and place value of number.

On MyMaths you will be set a series of tasks to complete each week.

In addition to this, HIAS have set some weekly Maths problem solving challenges using strategies we use in school. Click on the link to view and try these.

Year 2 Week 1 Problem 1


Year 2 Week 1 Problem 2



There is a choice of 2 different activities. Do one or both.

Garden focus

You could plant seeds, chop weeds, help mow the lawn, pick flowers, draw and label plants or look for mini beasts

Food chain

Think back to the learning we did in the Autumn Term about predators and their prey. Can you research or use your own knowledge to draw a food chain e.g.


Topic (2 weeks)

How is life in Kenya different to life in England?

Find out about schooling, farming and houses. You could make a poster, leaflet, fact sheet or a mind map where you show your findings. You could also use a Venn Diagram to organise you ideas e.g.

Kenya England


Home Learning for Friday 17th April: Part 2

Hello, In addition to the tasks and online links published in Part 1, here are some other home learning task for Music, Science and RE.

Music- Opening The Carnival of the Animals

This activity can be done on your own or with other members of your family. You may want to find a comfortable place to lie down in.

Close your eyes and listen to this piece of music: https://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video;_ylt=AwrJ7JU.95ZedwwAj.5XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEybHNpMmM4BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjk4NDhfMQRzZWMDc2M-?p=carnival+of+the+animals+Royal+March+of+the+lion&fr=mcafee#action=view&id=15&vid=1cfd51408275cd6c377df974c1767751


What pictures, patterns or colours come into your head?

Can you draw a picture of what you imagined?

Ask your family to do the same. Talk about and compare what you did. Remember- there is no right or wrong answer.

Family Science Activity 

Fizzy Bottle Rockets – click on the links below to view a video and download the information sheet.



Questions to ask children:

When tablet is put in glass of water: What do you think is in the bubbles?

Where do you think the bubbles are coming from?

What do you think would happen if we used more than one tablet? Why?

What do you think would happen if we used warm water? Why?

Before making rocket:

What do you think will happen if we put some tablets and water in this bottle and close the lid? Why?

What things could we change to make the rocket go higher?

Going further:

Experiment with different sizes of bottle and different combinations of water and tablets to find out what combination gives you the highest flying rocket.

Does it matter how many tablets you use?

What about if you break the tablets into smaller pieces?

How does the temperature of the water affect things?

Watch a flame powered bottle rocket: http://bit.ly/FlamingBottleRockets

Learn more about propulsion by building a balloon powered car: http://bit.ly/ BalloonCars


Religious Education

As part of your RE learning and reflection upon Easter, we would like you to complete ONE of the following activities, in order to develop your knowledge of this special time in the Church calendar…

· Design your own Easter Egg and include as many symbols for new life as you can!

· Create a comic strip cartoon of the key events that took place in the Easter story.

· Write a journal that includes the thoughts and feelings of Mary and the disciples, when they had discovered the empty tomb.

· Draw your own Good Friday crucifix and fill it with prayers for Jesus, as well as those around the world who have been working hard and making sacrifices for the good of others.

· Make a prayer station at home, for moments of peaceful reflection. Choose an Easter prayer as part of your worship, from https://cafod.org.uk/Pray/Prayer-resources/Easter-prayers

· Build your own Easter word search and include as many religious key words as you can, e.g. Resurrection, Sacrifice, Miracle, New Life, Tomb.

· Decorate your own Easter postcard with a Biblical image. Record your own Happy Easter message and spread the Good News to one of your friends!

Art Homelearning

Art Home Learning

The title for your art this week is ‘NEW LIFE’.  You can be as creative as you like.  It could be a drawing of yourself as a baby,  a baby animal made out of kitchen roll tubes, a photograph of a tree with buds, an Andy Goldsworthy inspired piece of art made out of natural things in your garden or when you have been on a walk.  Impress me with your creativity!

Please email your artwork to me:


Thank you!

Keep creating and keep safe!

Mrs Pearson