Another fun week!

This week in year 2 we have been learning about multiplication. The children have been learning to draw arrays from repeated addition and linking it to multiplication sentences.

The children in English have been writing their plan to enable them to write their own version of The Smartest Giant in Town.

Please could the children continue practicing their 2’s, 3’s, 5’s and 10’s times tables.

Have a lovely weekend.

From Year 2

History Day!

The children have had a great first week back at school after half term! We have carried on with learning about fractions in maths as well as introducing our new book in English: ‘The Smartest Giant in Town’.

We have ended the week with a great day learning about the history of clothing for our new topic ‘Dress to Impress.’

Here are some photos from today to show all the lovely activities the children have been doing.

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Have a lovely weekend.

Year 2 team.

2A Music Concert

Many thanks to all the families that were able to attend the music concert on Monday. It was lovely to share your children’s music talents with you.

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Have a lovely half term.

From the year 2 team.

Creation Liturgy

Many thanks to all the parents/carers who attended our liturgy this week.

The children had a wonderful time planning and performing it.

Here are some photos in case you were unable to make it.


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Just a reminder our music concert is on Monday 16th October at 11.15am in 2A which we welcome you all to join us for.

Have a lovely weekend

Year 2 team

The Twits!

This week has been fun in English where the children have been using expanded noun phrases to describe Mr Twit from the book ‘The Twits’ by Roald Dahl. They have also been writing questions to Mr Twit to find out more about him.

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The children in maths have been subtracting a one digit number from a two digit number which has been excellent learning.

Our Science topic has continued with learning about what other things we need to stay healthy.

Just a reminder our liturgy is on Tuesday 10th October at 10.20am. It would be lovely to see as many parents/carers as possible.

Many thanks

Year 2 team.

Year 2 Learning

The children had another great week adding three numbers in maths using numicon as well as writing their version of the story ‘The Disgusting Sandwich’. The children enjoyed publishing them on Friday which they will now look forward to sharing them with other children.

The children enjoyed talking about the different food groups in Science and having a go at sorting foods into good and bad groups. We talked about which foods we need more of and why. It was lovely to hear some of what the children had learnt for home learning about the different food groups.

Many thanks to all the parents/carers that were able to attend our welcome meeting. If you were unable to come we will send home the relevant information with your child.

From the year 2 team.

Home Learning

It has been wonderful to see the children engaging in their home learning this week. We have enjoyed finding out about what the children enjoy eating and what foods they dislike. It has also been fantastic to see some of the children practicing their times tables, spellings and handwriting at home. This is great to see them engaging in their learning at home. The more practice they get with their times tables, reading, spelling and handwriting the more of a positive  impact this makes to their learning within school.

The children have enjoyed using adverbs in their writing this week to describe how the characters in the book ‘The Disgusting Sandwich’ move to try and catch the sandwich.

We have also been solving problems in maths using place value.


Year 1 and 2 Tuesday lunch time Science Club

It was lovely to have our first Science Club with all the children that signed up to it this half term. They had great fun being scientists in the garden hunting for bugs and using a magnifying glass to explore them.

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Have a wonderful weekend.

From the year 2 team

Another fun week in year 2!

The children have had another wonderful week with learning lots of new vocabulary in English. We have been creating expanded noun phrases.

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We have a welcome meeting booked in for Thursday 28th September 2017 at 3.30pm. We would like to see as many parents/carers there as possible however if you are unable to make it then we are happy to pass on a copy of the powerpoint and any other relevant information to you.

Have a wonderful weekend.

From the year 2 team 🙂


Welcome to Year 2!

Welcome back to all the children to a new year at school.

We hope you all had a wonderful summer.

The children have settled into year two so well and we are proud of each and every one of them for the commitment they have been showing to their new learning.

Our first topic for this Autumn term is Food Glorious Food!

The children have been hooked in by two ‘disgusting sandwiches’ that were left in our classrooms over the holidays! The children came in and enjoyed writing questions to find out where it had come from. They then found out it was a badger from the story ‘The Disgusting Sandwich’. The next day the children came back to school to find a mouse from the story had come into the school over night and had been nibbling the sandwich! This has been great fun to gain lots of fabulous writing in English.

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We will be continuing with this book over next week where the children will be writing their own version of the story!

Please could we ask all children are reading at home, practicing their times tables (2’s, 5’s and 10’s) and practicing their spellings that will go home every Friday.

Best Regards

Miss Allen, Mrs Osborne and Miss Allen

2A Music Concert!

2A had a wonderful time performing their ukulele concert to their families. Thank you to everyone who was able to join us.


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Thank you to you all for the wonderful gifts you have given us. We have had an enjoyable year and the children have made us extremely proud of the hard work they have put in.

We wish you all a relaxing summer break.

Best regards Miss Allen, Mrs Layton, Mrs Spicer, Mrs Wickes, Mrs King and Mrs Walls.