Statistics in Maths

The children this week in maths have enjoyed collecting their own data as a tally chart and then creating bar graphs.

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In English the children have been looking at the features of  a diary ready to write their own diary next week as a passenger on board the Titanic to recall the events that happened.


Date for your diary- 2A have their music concert the first week after half term- Monday 19th February 2018 at 11.15am in 2A classroom. All families welcome to come and see what the children have been learning this half term in Music.

Enjoy your weekends

From the year 2 team.

Third class and first class fun!

The children have been excitedly writing about how they would feel if they were a first class passenger and a third class passenger on board the Titanic. We have had some fantastic writing from the children with amazing adjectives and description used to really grip the reader.

In maths we have still been focusing on place value along with telling the time.

Please could the children continue telling the time to half past, quarter past and quarter to the hour.

Have a fabulous weekend.

From the year 2 team.

Samson’s Titanic journey!

The children have had a great week beginning to look at the story Samson’s Titanic journey! They have enjoyed finding out who left the cracker crumbs in our classroom and who nibbled the carrot.

They have been practicing their place value skills in maths by partitioning numbers in different ways and comparing them using the greater than and less than symbols ( < and  >)

Please encourage the children to practice their 3, 2, 5 and 10 ten times tables at home.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Year 2 team

Sea City Museum Trip!

What a great start to the new term with a trip to the Sea City Museum to begin our Titanic topic. The children had a lovely time and gained lots of knowledge.

Thank you so much to all the parents that helped; we really appreciate it.

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Have a lovely weekend.

Year 2 team

2OK music concert

Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who came and watched our music concert today. The pupils performed so well and Mrs McKenzie not only praised their musical ability; but their behaviour too. Don’t forget, you can click on each picture to enlarge it.

Well done!

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The children worked so hard to put on such a wonderful Nativity to all their families. Thank you to everyone for all your support.

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Please join us on Wednesday 20th December 2017 at 2.45pm in year 2 to listen to Christmas stories that your children have written.

Have a lovely weekend

Year 2 team


The children have had a lovely week with it being the first week of Advent. They enjoyed walking to the Church and joining in with our Advent service. They also made their own Advent wreaths to understand the meaning of each candle.

The children have also been working really hard with practising for their Nativity performance next week.

In maths the children are beginning to look at place value of two digit numbers which will then move onto them adding numbers together using a number line.

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Just a reminder 2OK have their music concert on Monday 18th January 2017 at 11.15 in the classroom.

Have a lovely weekend.

From the year 2 team.

Science and DT day!

The children have a wonderful day designing and making their parachutes. They explored different materials before deciding on which ones would be best for their parachute.

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Year 2 have a dress rehearsal on Friday 8th December. Please could all costumes be in school for then.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Story Writing!

This week the children have been writing some wonderful stories in the style of The Smartest Giant in Town.

We have also begun looking at money where the children have been making different amounts using the coins.

If the children could practise this at home with real money then that would be a great benefit to their learning.


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Have a lovely weekend.

From the year 2 team.

Our learning for this week!

The children have enjoyed practising their multiplication skills alongside division this week in maths.

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We have also enjoyed writing our own stories in the version of the Smartest Giant in Town.

The children have been working hard with practising their nativity. We have fantastic readers, singers and actors!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Year 2 team.