Welcome to year 2!

We hope you have all had a wonderful summer!

The children have settled in so well to year 2 working very hard in all areas of their learning.

In English we have been looking at the book ‘The Disgusting Sandwich.’ The children have predicted what they think the book will be about as well as retelling the story once they have listened to it. Excellent reading skills have been shown this week.

In Maths the children have been focusing on place value. They have been looking at 2 digit numbers and identifying the tens and ones. They have been using their tool kits to help them with this. This is something they can continue practicing at home alongside counting in 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s.

The children have their new spelling books to take home and use for practicing their common exception words which we will give to them each week on a sticker. The children are aware of all the different ways they can practice spelling their words.

Just a reminder on Wednesday 12th September at 3.30pm in the year 2 classrooms there will be a welcome meeting for all parents/carers to find out all about year 2.

Have a lovely weekend.


The year 2 team.

Drama workshop

The children had a visit from a drama company where they gave them a fun drama lesson. They were pretending to be animals in Africa as well as changing roles to be the explorers hunting the animals. The children all had so much fun.

Cian also bought in his butterflies from home. We then released some of them that were fully formed into our secret garden.

The children have been solving subtraction problems by drawing number lines as well as finishing their letters to year 1 about how they can succeed in year 2 when they move up in September.

Hope you have a lovely week.

From the year 2 team.

Final Liturgy

The children had a lovely time doing their last liturgy of the year in front of all their families. Many thanks to everyone that came and supported the children.

From the year 2 team.

Staunton Trip!

What a fabulous day we all had at Staunton today. The children were able to extend their learning about animal habitats and go on a bug hunt in the woods. They had a great time holding the large African snail and touching the millipede.

The children also enjoyed walking around the farm and exploring the animals.

Many thanks to all the parents that helped out today. Our trips could not take place without you so thank you!

Have a wonderful weekend.

From the year 2 team

3D shapes

The children this week have been learning about the properties of 3D shapes.

They have enjoyed making their own shapes from nets and describing how they know what 3D shape it is.

The children in English have been writing their own story based on Tin Forest. We are excited to get them published and displayed in our classrooms.

Year 2 have their liturgy on Tuesday 3rd July at 10.20am in the hall. It would be lovely to see as many families come and join us for our last liturgy of the year.

Have a wonderful weekend.

From the year 2 team.

2A Music Concert!

Many thanks to everyone that was able to come and support the children in their music concert. They had a wonderful time performing all the songs they had learnt this term.

Here are a few photos of the performance.

Hope you enjoy the rest of your week.

The children have been learning the song ‘Summer Holiday’ by Cliff Richard for them to sing at the school summer fayre at the end of June. Please could you encourage your children to learn the song for home learning.

From the year 2 team.

Welcome back!

Hope you all had a wonderful half term break. The children have settled back into school well and have been working hard in all areas.

In Maths the children have been practising their times tables. Please encourage the children to go on Sum Dog and take part in the challenge for the national competition.

In English the children have started reading the Tin Forest and looking at the language choices within the story.

In Science the children have been looking at things that are alive, things that have never been alive and things that are dead. The children have enjoyed discussing reasons for their choices when grouping.

The children have had a great STEM day where they have been learning about the habitats of animals as well as looking at the technology within the ambulances.

Please remember 2A have their music concert on Monday 11th June 2018 at 11.15am in the classroom. Hope to see as many of you there as possible.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

From the year 2 team.

Our Learning

This week we have been having a go at estimating answers to addition problems by rounding numbers up or down to the nearest 10. Once the children got the hang of this new skill, they began to really enjoy it!

In RE the children retold the story of Pentecost by acting it out in small groups.

The children have finally published their letters in English to the headteachers in the local area informing them how to stay safe in the sun. Once again the children have produced beautiful writing.

Hope you all have a wonderful half term break.

From the year 2 team

Fun with spelling.

This week the children have enjoyed lots of sensory learning within their spelling lessons. They have practised writing words in glitter and in shaving foam.

We have been looking at our new topic Crowns and Corgie’s!

The children have learnt so far all about the Royal Family tree as well as this they have made a welcome card for the new Royal baby.

Please encourage your children to practise their 2’s, 5’s and 10 times tables.

Have a lovely weekend.

From the year 2 team.

A lovely sunny week of learning!

The children have enjoyed writing their facts for their sun safety unit in English and giving reasons why we must keep ourselves safe.

We have also worked hard in maths with problem solving involving addition and subtraction.

In RE we had our lesson outsideĀ  thinking about how we are followers of Jesus and what we do in our lives to show this to others.

Just a reminder- please could we have reply slips for our trip which is happening on Thursday 28th June 2018. Parent helpers are desperately needed for our trip to go ahead so we would be very grateful to anyone who can offer their help. Thank you!

Please encourage your children to log into Sum dog as there is a maths challenge for them to take part in.

Have a lovely weekend.

From the year 2 team.