
Thank you to all the children who created a banner to show what their name means and why it was chosen. We then shared them as a class.

In maths we have been looking at division and linking it to the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.

In English we have been working hard to prepare and plan for writing our Christmas stories.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

From the year 2 team.

Exploring Materials!

This week the children have enjoyed listening to the story Just Right for Christmas. They have then retold the story and explored language they can use to describe the scene which they can then use  in their own story which they will write later this term.

The children in maths have continued to explore multiplication problems.

They have also carried out an experiment in Science where they had to test different materials to see which would be the most waterproof to use to make a hat for a giant.

Hope you all enjoy your weekend.

From the year 2 team.


The children enjoyed a whole day focusing on science, technology, engineering and maths. They began by exploring different materials that they could use to make a parachute. They thought about which would be the strongest and why.

The children then designed what their parachute would look like and what materials they would use for each section. They then made their product and tested it. After this they evaluated their design and thought about what they liked, disliked and what they would do to improve it.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

From the year 2 team.

Anti-Bullying Week!

The week started off with the children wearing their odd socks for anti-bullying week. We talked about what bullying may look like and what we could do if we thought we saw this happening.

We discussed how we can include everyone as much as possible everyday and show kindness. We linked this to our worship as well by thinking about how would God want us to show love.

In English we have enjoyed writing stories and then publishing them.

In maths we have continued to look at problems which involve finding fractions of an amount.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

From the year 2 team.

Spelling fun!

The children in maths have enjoyed finding 1/4, 1/2 and 1/3 of amounts. It would help the children if they continued practicing this at home.

In English the children have been planning their own story in the style of the Smartest Giant in Town. We are looking forward to reading their stories after they have written them next week

In spelling we have been practicing how to spell our common exception words in lots of fun ways. Our words this week are:

would, should, could, people, clothes, because

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

From the year 2 team.

A busy first week back!

Welcome back after a lovely half term break.

The children have got straight back into their learning with a positive attitude this week.

In maths they began with investigating a problem which involved measure using play doh. The children worked together to decide how they would solve it.

They then moved onto finding fractions of shapes. The children have focused on finding 1/4, 1/2 and 1/3 of shapes.

In Science the children enjoyed looking at how the habitats change outside during Autumn. The children talked about how and why the leaves change colour from Summer to Autumn.  They then collected different leaves and made art work with them.

Well done to all the children that have taken part in a charity walk over the past couple of months! We are so proud to see our children raising money for other people.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

From the year 2 team.

Healthy Sandwich Making!

The children this week had a great time food tasting and then designing their own healthy sandwich.

They then enjoyed making their own sandwich and talking about what they liked and disliked about it.

In Maths the children have been adding two numbers on a number line which they have shown great progress with.

In English the children have written their instructions for a disgusting recipe and have started to publish their final piece of work.

Have a lovely half term break.

From the year 2 team.

The Twits!

In English this week, the children have started to look at The Twits. They have listened to the first few chapters and thought about what sort of character Mr Twit is. They have learnt some new vocabulary which they were then able to write expanded noun phrases to describe Mr Twit.

In Maths the children have been learning a new skill where they have been taking away a 2 digit number from a 2 digit number on a number line.

In RE the children have looked at the story of Noah’s Ark and linked it to how we should look after God’s creation.

We hope you all have a lovely week.

From the year 2 team.

Another busy week!

This week the children have enjoyed retelling the Creation story in RE as a colourful flip book in preparation for their liturgy next week.

In Maths the children have continued developing their knowledge of place value by really understanding the value of each digit within a 2 digit number. They have explored the Numicon and arrow cards to represent numbers.

In English the children have been planning their own version of The Disgusting Sandwich. Their stories have been created with different characters and a different item of food that goes on a journey. We are excited to write our stories next week and share them with one another.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

From the year 2 team.

The Disgusting Sandwich!

In English this week, the children have been exploring lots of exciting words that they have not come across before! They were then able to use the adjectives to describe the disgusting sandwich from our class text.

In maths the children have enjoyed using the tool kits to represent the numbers in a variety of ways. They were then able to compare the value of numbers to identify which numbers were greater than others and ordering them.

In Science we have been learning about the importance of healthy eating and what we need to survive.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

From the year 2 team.