Happy Half Term!

The children have had yet another wonderful half term. They have enjoyed publishing their non-fiction Kenya writing to inform others about the similarities and differences between our country and Kenya.

In maths we have been focusing on subtracting on a number line and using our number bond facts to 20 to improve our mental fluency.

In Science we have been looking at what seeds need to grow and whether or not all plants have leaves! Lots of lovely investigate work has been happening.

We hope you all have a wonderful break.

From the year 2 team.

Statistics in Maths!

The children had a great week exploring bar charts and pictograms and identifying what they thought the data would be trying to tell us.


They then went on to collecting their own data. We asked the children to find out ‘Which fruit is the least popular?’ This was so that we could tell Mrs Gray in the kitchen which fruit to not buy to save it from being wasted. The children created tally charts and then displayed the information on a bar chart and a pictogram. They then talked about what they found out.

In English we have been finishing writing our information texts about Kenya to inform the rest of the school what life is like there compared to England.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

Year 2 team.


Maths Games!

This week the children designed and made maths games to help with recalling their maths facts. They then enjoyed sharing them with their friends in groups.

The children have also enjoyed finishing writing to the head teachers within the local area about Sun Safety.

We have set class maths challenges on Sum Dog. Please could you encourage your children to log in and complete them to improve their fluency.

We hope you have a good weekend.

From the year 2 team.

Science- Plants!

This week we have started growing our seeds in different ways:

a seed that is planted sideways in the soil, a seed that is planted the correct way and a seed that is planted upside down. The children then looked at the results to see if they predicted correctly as to whether or not it matters which way round you put the seed into the soil!

In English the children have also began to write their facts about sun safety to use in their letters to the head teachers in the area informing them on how to keep their children safe in the sun.

In maths the children have been creating their own maths board games with a partner to develop their mental methods for solving problems.

Please continue to encourage your children to practise their times tables- 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.

We hope you have a great bank holiday weekend.

From the year two team.

Welcome Back!

We hope you have all had a wonderful Easter break. It has been lovely to see the children coming back into school so settled and ready to start the summer term.

We have enjoyed learning all about the importance of sun safety in English ready to write an information text to tell other schools in the area how to stay safe in the sun.

In maths we have been looking at the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. Please could you encourage your children to talk about how many faces, edges and vertices 3D shapes have around the home.

In Science we have begun looking at living things and their habitats and thinking about if it really matters which way round a seed is planted as to whether or not it grows correctly. The children have made their predictions ready to find out the answers after we have planted some for ourselves!

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

Year 2 team.


The Unforgiving Servant

The children in RE enjoyed acting out the Parable of The Unforgiving Servant. They showed lots of expression to demonstrate just how the characters might have been feeling.

Please can the children continue to read over the holidays and practise their times tables.

We hope you have a wonderful Easter.

See you in the Summer Term!

From the Year 2 team.

Geography Day!

The children in year 2 had a fabulous day looking at the physical and human features on maps.

They then went on to make their own 3D map and labelled the features on it.


We hope you have a lovely weekend.

Please continue to encourage your children to log into SumDog to complete our maths challenge.

From the year 2 team.

2A Music Concert!

The children had a wonderful time performing what they have learnt in music this half term to all their families.

Thank you to everyone who came to support them.


Where in the World?

The children have enjoyed planning and writing their story in the style of Flat Stanley who goes on an adventure to California in an envelope because he is flat!

In maths we have been focusing on finding fractions of an amount. This included 1/4, 2/4 and 3/4’s. The children drew bar models to help them to solve problems.

The children have also been finding out where bananas grow around the world as well as looking at the names of the continents that the countries are located in.

Please continue to practise times tables as the children are really improving when they are completing their 5 minute challenges to see how many they can answer.

Have a great weekend.

From the year 2 team.

Lentern Liturgy!

The children performed a wonderful liturgy as a year group to all their families and friends. Thank you to everyone who supported them.

2A have their music concert on Monday 25th March at 11.15am in 2A classroom. We would like to welcome as many of you as possible to see what the children have been learning in music this half term.

From the year 2 team.