Another Friday has arrived!

In English, we have planned and written our own stories about our own food going on a very mucky journey! We have been working hard to edit and improve our work and have used some fantastic expanded noun phrases independently! We are very much looking forward to reading our stories to Year 1.


In Maths, we have been learning about money this week. We have enjoyed making different amounts in lots of different ways and enjoyed finding as many combinations as we could. We have started adding tens on a number line and have used dienes to help us with this.


Today we have all dressed in bright colours to raise money for CAFOD. We’d like to say a big thank you to all those who have taken part.

Finally, for your home learning task this week, please log in to SUMDOG to complete some maths activities.

Have a lovely weekend!

From the Year 2 Team

This week in Year 2

Another week has flown by and we have been very busy learners.
In Maths, we have been working out how many worms Mrs Twit collected. We have been adding 3 single digit numbers. The children were representing each number in different ways and have been drawing upon their knowledge of number bonds to help them.

In English, we have been learning to use Expanded Noun Phrases. These are made by using an adjective, another adjective and a noun.

We have also been learning how to use an adverb to describe a verb for example; sitting patiently.



We hope you enjoy your three day weekend!

Year 2 Team

Happy Friday!

Another week has flown by, we have been very busy.

In maths, we have continued to look at the place value of 2- digit numbers.


We have also started our science projects; thinking about how we can attract more pollinators onto the school site. We completed a pollinator count in the Secret Garden and Prayer Garden. We sorted animals into pollinators and other animal groups.

Thank you to all the families who have continued to complete the weekly home learning. New activities are added onto Sumdog frequently.

We also given your children some RE home learning. Please watch this link with your children and design a poster, leaflet or some artwork about it.



This week in Year 2

Hello everyone, We had a great week of learning in Year 2. We solved our disgusting sandwich mystery and are now reading the book The Disgusting Sandwich by Gareth Edwards.

In Maths, we have been learning how to represent 2- digit numbers using our Maths toolkits. We are getting better at positioning numbers on a blank number line.

We have attached the PowerPoint from the Welcome Meeting

Welcome Meeting Slides

Your Children will come home with a Reading Passport this week. Please complete this with your children over the course of the term.

Autumn Term Reading Passport

Please familiarise yourselves with the 1st 10 pages and last 8 pages of your child’s Home Learning Diary.

The Year 2 team 🙂

Welcome to Year 2!

We have had a great start to our new school year and by 9am this morning, the children were engrossed in maths problems and trying to solve the mystery of a disgusting sandwich left in the classroom. In groups we discussed our ideas and then wrote questions to find out where the sandwich had come from and why it had been left. Hopefully we will solve our mystery over the next few days!



Attached is a letter explaining our new phonics and reading book programme which will also be sent home as a paper copy. Reading books linked to our phonics teaching will be sent out on Monday.

Year 2 Reading Book Letter 19-20


Finally, The Year 2 Welcome meeting has been scheduled for next Thursday 12th September at 3:45pm. We look forward to seeing you there,

The Year 2 team.

The Tin Forest!

This week the children have enjoyed engaging in their new book in English called ‘The Tin Forest’. We have used inference skills to think about how the old man might be feeling based on the images as well as making predictions about what might happen in the story.

In maths we have been looking at 2D shapes and identifying their line of symmetry. The children then enjoyed creating their own colourful patterns in a shape down the line of symmetry.

Please remember the children have their music concert on Monday 15th July at 11am in the hall.

Have a lovely weekend.

From the year 2 team.


The children enjoyed designing their own bug hotel on the computers using paint.

They then made their own kaleidoscope.

Please note our Year 2 Music Concert is on Monday 15th July 11am in the hall.

From the year 2 team.


Kenyan Carnival!

What a wonderful afternoon sharing our Kenyan artwork with the whole school and our families. The children enjoyed dressing up with their Kenyan masks and performing the songs they had learnt.

Have a wonderful weekend.

From the year 2 team.

The First Moon Landing!

The children have really hooked into their new topic this half term learning all about Neil Armstrong landing on the moon.

They have enjoyed watching the video for the first time as if it was 1969 and we were all excited to watch the big event take place.

We then acted out what it would have felt like for Neil to have took his first step out of the rocket and onto the moon. Our writing from this has been very descriptive and we are excited to perform it to each other as if this is a recount of us being there.

Don’t forget it’s our carnival on Friday 21st June so the children need to come dressed in bright clothes to match our Kenyan theme.

From the year 2 team.

Pentecost Liturgy

Welcome back to the second part of the summer term. Lots of exciting things are still happening on the lead up to the end of the year!

The children took part in their final liturgy in year 2 all about Pentecost. We had a party to celebrate the Church’s birthday and learnt about the gifts of the Holy Spirit sent to us at Pentecost.

Many thanks to all the families that were able to celebrate with us. Here are some photos:

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

From the year 2 team.