Happy Half Term

On Friday, Year 2 really enjoyed another day of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. They created some amazing books full of facts about bees and also designed some Google icons based on the theme of pollinators.

After half term the children will be designing and making moon buggies. To help them prepare for this, please encourage the children to join in with our Year 2 half term holiday project, where they will have the opportunity to look at, discuss and make wheeled products at home. All children will be given a leaflet explaining how to get involved.

Another week in Year 2

This week, the children have started to explore and learn about Acrostic Poems. We have explored the use of language and the skills used to create imagery in the reader’s mind. We are looking forward to writing our own acrostic poem next week.

In Maths, the children have continued to solve problems involving money. We have been working hard to solve two step problems using our prior knowledge.

We have our STEM day on Friday. We are going to be very busy making booklets about Bees as pollinators!

Please could you continue supporting the children at home with their reading and learning number facts (number bonds to 10, 20 and times tables).

Have a lovely weekend.
The Year 2 Team.

This week in Year 2!

This week we have been writing our diaries as if we were Neil Armstrong. We have been concentrating on using our senses and have been writing emotive sentences.

In Maths, we have been solving subtraction money problems. We have been thinking about which method to choose and continued to consider which is the most efficient to use.

In our ‘One Small Step for Mankind’ lesson, we had a debate discussing the reasons as to why we should send a man to space. We started to give opinions and justified them.

Have a lovely weekend.
The Year 2 Team.

This week in Year 2

This week in Maths the children have been practising applying their knowledge to a range of different calculations. We have been looking at which methods are the most efficient and why.

In English, the children have continued to develop their skills in writing. We are working towards writing a diary as Neil Armstrong. The children have been using their senses to describe and have been writing emotive sentences.

Please continue to explore www.hourofcode.org. The children have thoroughly enjoyed our Computing lessons as far, and have spoken about what they have been creating in great detail!

Have a fabulous weekend.
The Year 2 Team.

Coding in Year 2

We have been developing our computing skills and have been learning coding. We have used a fantastic free website called Hour Of Code to develop our skills of coding through using blocks to instruct. Please encourage your children to log on and have a go this week.



Thank you

Year 2

This week in Year 2

In Maths, we have been investigating halves and quarters of shape and have enjoyed using concrete apparatus to represent our ideas.

In English, we have been working incredibly hard on our presentation and handwriting whilst writing our own stories. The children enjoyed publishing their writing and sharing their stories with each other.

In RE, we predicted how we pray the Rosary using our prior knowledge and wrote instructions to teach someone how to do this correctly.

Thank you for attending parents evening this week. Please keep up reading at home which so many of you are doing; don’t forget to mark your reading on your sheets or in your diary.

Finally, please ensure all nativity costumes are in school next week. We are fully underway with practising our nativity for you all!

Have a fabulous weekend,

The Year 2 Team.

Another week has flown by!

We have had a very busy week this week!

We have investigated halves and quarters in Maths using the bar model and part-part whole model to represent our workings.

In English, we have thoroughly enjoyed our new story, ‘The Smartest Giant in Town’. We found the giant’s clothes in 2F and 2OS and we have written found posters to help him locate them. The children have been building upon their skills and have been using subordinating conjunctions such as because, when and if to extend their sentences.


We would like to remind you that it is Parent’s Evening on Tuesday 26th November and Wednesday 27th November.

Multiplication: groups of, lots of and repeated addition

In Year 2 we have been learning about multiplication. We have been using real life problems to help us to visualise what multiplying looks like. We have drawn pictures to represent the problem. At home, you could have a go, solving your own multiplication problems like ours.


We’ve arrived at the end of another fun week!

What a busy week we have had! In English, the children have thoroughly enjoyed finishing our class novel, ‘The Twits’. We have started to learn the features of a recipe and have compared a variety of different recipes in class. The children are excited to make their own sandwiches next week in DT.

In Maths, we have been measuring worms for Mrs Twit for her worm spaghetti. The children have applied their knowledge of number bonds to 10, 20 and 50 and have represented these calculations in lots of different ways.

Giraffe class are very excited for their Music Concert on Monday 21st October at 11:15am.

We have also been busy practising for our Year 2 Liturgy which is on Tuesday 22nd October at 10:30am. This will be held in the Unity Building and we are very much looking forward to seeing you all there!


Finally, for our home learning task this week, please could all children bring in some food packaging from around the world for our DT day next Friday 25th October. Please ensure no packaging is brought in which has nuts or seeds in, or food which contains either of these.

Have a lovely weekend,

From the Year 2 Team.

This week in Year 2

We have enjoyed our week in Year 2!

In English, we have published our stories and we enjoyed making sure our presentation was the very best it could be. We have been exploring Mr Twit in our Guided Reading sessions, and the children been sorting vocabulary based on relevance. The children then explained why they thought some words were more relevant than others.

In Maths, we have been taking away tens from any number and have started to subtract two 2-digit numbers.

We loved using the dienes to help us!

At home, please could you practise counting on in tens from any number e.g. 34, 44, 54 at home.

As part of our Design and Technology topic ‘Food Glorious Food’, your child will have the opportunity to taste a range of sandwich fillings and breads on Tuesday 15th October. Your child will be coming home with a letter with more information regarding this event. Please could you ensure your child returns their slip by Monday 14th October. 

Have a fabulous weekend!

The Year 2 Team.