Friday 17th September
Another great week of learning in school. If you were unable to make our online Parents Welcome Meeting do click through the slides below to catch up on life in Year 2.
We have also been learning this song to support our learning in RE so you may want to play this with your child.
Friday 10th September
Welcome to Year 2!
What a fabulous start to the year the children have made. The adults in Year 2 have been so impressed by the sensible behaviour and learning effort being made in the first 7 days of the school year.
In English, the children have been exploring the traditional tale “The Three Billy Goats Gruff”. We have retold the story and then explored exciting vocabulary to describe the troll. Ask your children all about the words ‘stubborn’, ‘monstrous’ and ‘sly’ and see if they can explain what they mean!
In maths, we have been really thinking about numbers and the number system. The children have been representing numbers using a range of tools such as numicon, dienes and place value counters, and have been demonstrating their understanding of what each digit is worth.
This term our topic is ‘This way or that way’ and we will be learning about countries, oceans and continents. We will share more about our learning over the course of the term.
In science, we are learning about living things and their habitats. This week we developed our scientific thinking by sorting items in different ways, then identifying which were alive and not alive. We discovered that living things all breathe, grow, move and reproduce.
We would like to just remind you that our welcome meeting will be at on Thursday 16th September at 4pm. We look forward to seeing you then.
Our Carnival
On Friday we celebrated our whole school carnival. We very much enjoyed learning and performing our kenyan song ‘Jambo Bwana’. We played instrumentals to go along with the rhythm of the song. As you can see in our photos below, we created our own Massai masks, Kenyan flags and decorated our own banners to bring the carnival to life.
This week in Year 2
We’ve had an incredibly fun week at school especially during our Sports Day on Tuesday morning. Children participated in a carousel of activities where they had to score as many points as possible!
Congratulations to YELLOW team who came in first place!
Children then took part in running races against each other. All the children were great sports and cheered each other on enthusiastically! Congratulations to the children who came 1st, 2nd and 3rd place overall in their races.
Our Liturgy
This week we celebrated our Liturgy together with the theme of Pentecost, marking it as the birthday of the Church. And, as with any birthday celebration, there were balloons, banners and party games during the liturgy, in this case pass the parcel. As each layer was unwrapped, a different gift of the Holy Spirit was revealed and shared with the children.
This week in Year 2
In Computing we have been using Scratch to create and debug simple programs. The children followed their plan, ‘I am Special’, to help create their own avatar, or to paint their own Sprite.
We carefully considered different backgrounds to represent their personalities, likes and dislikes.
Have a look at some of our work below!
Don’t forget, the children can have a practise at this at home by visiting
Then click on ‘Create’ at the top. Enjoy!
Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 2 Team
Summer Term Reading Passport
Hello, you will notice that the children were sent home with their new Summer Term Reading passports this week. We are excited by the books that the children will read and we have ensured that the options for books suggested are wide enough. Mrs Porter has updated her shelves in the library with lots of books that the children can choose from.
Click below to download an additional copy.
Once your child has completed the passport, please send it into school so that they can be added into the prize draw for a special treat!