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Year 2 Christmas Liturgy

Songs for Year 2 Christmas Liturgy

Please practise these songs at home:



Mary’s Boy Child


A Nurses Visit

As part of our History learning about Mary Seacole, we invited Mrs Caizley in to speak to us about being a nurse and what it is like now both in a hospital and a GP surgery. We had planned questions to ask her and she did very well to cope with so many!

This week in Year 2

How to catch the gingerbread man!

In our English lessons this week we have written instructions to help the old lady capture the gingerbread man. We have really focused on using imperative verbs, conjunctions and commas in a list.

In Maths we have been learning to make different amounts using coins in lots of different ways.

In Science we have investigated different animals and their young. We discovered that not all babies look like their parents!

Please make sure you are still reading at home at least three times a week and be sure to sign in your child’s reading record book.
Thank you,
The Year 2 Team

This week in Year 2

Bossy verbs!

In our English lessons this week we have learnt how to write commas in a list when writing a list of equipment the old lady could use to help capture the gingerbread man.



In Maths we have been learning to solve word problems using our addition and subtraction knowledge. We have been identifying the important parts of the problem and then have been representing our answers using dienes.

In Science we have been looking at the life cycle of a frog and butterfly in detail. We learnt the word metamorphosis… ask your child what this means!

Please make sure you are still reading at home at least three times a week and be sure to sign in your child’s reading record book.

Have a lovely weekend!

This week in Year 2

Run! Run! As fast as you can!

This week’s learning in English launched our unit on The Gingerbread Man, where we started by the children going on a scavenger hunt to find these items…

The children were then able to rightly identify the story they all came from! It would be great if they could read or listen to some other versions of the story. See if your child can retell the story from memory at home this weekend.

In maths we have been learning to subtract 10 from any number. We have been using dienes to help the children to identify what happens to a number when we subtract 10. We have also begun thinking about taking away 10p in the context of money. At home, it would brilliant if you could get the 10ps out and practice adding and taking away 10p from an amount.

In topic we have followed on from last week’s map drawing by creating our own maps of Waterlooville! If you have any maps at home, it would be great if you could look at them with your child and encourage them to notice what is similar and what is different about them and the other maps we have seen.

We would like to remind you that Friday 1st October is an Inset day.
Have a lovely weekend!

Friday 17th September

Another great week of learning in school. If you were unable to make our online Parents Welcome Meeting do click through the slides below to catch up on life in Year 2.





We have also been learning this song to support our learning in RE so you may want to play this with your child.


Friday 10th September

Welcome to Year 2!

What a fabulous start to the year the children have made. The adults in Year 2 have been so impressed by the sensible behaviour and learning effort being made in the first 7 days of the school year.

In English, the children have been exploring the traditional tale “The Three Billy Goats Gruff”. We have retold the story and then explored exciting vocabulary to describe the troll. Ask your children all about the words ‘stubborn’, ‘monstrous’ and ‘sly’ and see if they can explain what they mean!

In maths, we have been really thinking about numbers and the number system. The children have been representing numbers using a range of tools such as numicon, dienes and place value counters, and have been demonstrating their understanding of what each digit is worth.

This term our topic is ‘This way or that way’ and we will be learning about countries, oceans and continents. We will share more about our learning over the course of the term.


In science, we are learning about living things and their habitats. This week we developed our scientific thinking by sorting items in different ways, then identifying which were alive and not alive. We discovered that living things all breathe, grow, move and reproduce.


We would like to just remind you that our welcome meeting will be at on Thursday 16th September at 4pm. We look forward to seeing you then.

Our Carnival

On Friday we celebrated our whole school carnival. We very much enjoyed learning and performing our kenyan song ‘Jambo Bwana’. We played instrumentals to go along with the rhythm of the song. As you can see in our photos below, we created our own Massai masks, Kenyan flags and decorated our own banners to bring the carnival to life.


Masai Warrior Masks in Maths

  1. We have been combining our knowledge of  2D shapes to design tribal African  masks. We had to ensure that we chose shapes to match the criteria given.