We are so impressed by how well they are doing in all areas of the curriculum and thought you might like to read some examples of their amazing descriptive writing.
As the gloomy, green toads fly over the pond, the fish gulp in the deep, dark water. The shimmering toads calmly go to sleep as they shiver through the night. The fish, eating food, smell the toads’ feet. When the moon goes through the night it feels calm and sleepy.
Fish gape in wonder as giant, spotty toads start appearing from the foggy shadows. The bright shimmering moon shines on the extremely cold river. Long, tall grass blows as a turtle sits on a log. Droplets drip from damp, shady lily pads.
Year 2
Year 2 have been really enjoying creating different balances in gymnastics, using scales to explore the mass of objects and creating algorithms to program the Beebots.
Welcome Back
Dear Parents,
We hope you are all well and that you have had a good break. Thank you to the children who have brought in their Christmas home learning. Please do send in any photos, so that we can celebrate what the children have done.
The children have had a very exciting first week back- some mysterious clothes turned up in our classrooms. Who could they belong to? Some of the children tried them on but they were gigantic. Could they belong to Mr. Cunningham? No! The BFG? Maybe! or The Smartest Giant in Town ? Yes!

Happy Christmas
Thank you all for your generous gifts and cards from the whole Year 2 team. We truly appreciate them.
We would like to wish you all a peaceful and blessed festive season.
If you want to get out and about with the children this holiday, why not have a go at our year 2 treasure hunt? Let the children wow you with their newly acquired photography skills!