Author Archive: samanthaallen

Another exciting week in year 2!

This week we haveĀ been working hard in maths learning how to add and subtract numbers using a number line.

In English we have continued reading the book Meerkat Mail and learning how to write our own post cards to Sunny which has been an enjoyable task for all learning some fantastic literacy skills.

We have enjoyed learning all about where children come from when sharing our home learning. We have also learnt what foods are best to eat to keep our bodies fit and healthy and creating a plate with foods to show this.

We are excited to take part in our CAFOD fun raising day on Thursday so please don’t forget to wear something bright and bring in a donation. Thank you šŸ™‚

Have a lovely weekend

From the year 2 team

Our learning this week.

We have had a brilliant first full week back getting stuck into our new learning.

In maths we have been learning all about greater than and less than and understanding place value of numbers. We had such fun playing the base ten game together that we would like to share some photos with you šŸ™‚


We have created some beautiful writing in our English lessons. It has been lovely hearing all about the children’s summer holiday adventures in their recounts.

It has been a pleasure looking atĀ all the children’s home learning this week and seeing so many children taking part in the reading challenge at the library. A big well done to all the children for showing excellent commitment to their learning outside of school.

From all the year 2 team.

Miss Allen, Mrs Layton, Mrs Wickes, Mrs Spicer, Mrs Walls and Mrs King.

Welcome Meeting

Many thanks to all who attended our welcome meeting on Tuesday evening. We really appreciate your feedback and have taken it all on board and haveĀ added a few things to this blog to support your child’s learning at home. For those of you who were unable to make it, I have also added the power point to take notes from.Ā Please feel welcome to ask any of the year 2 team any further questions you may have.

Here are two lists of the high frequency words which we would like the children to practice as much as possible with spelling and reading to help them with their writing.Ā t-l-4541-100-high-frequency-words-word-mat


Handwriting paper to practice at home.-Ā handwriting-paper

Notes from the meeting.Ā welcome-to-year-2


Thank you again for all your support.

Miss Allen, Mrs Layton, Mrs Wickes, Mrs Spicer, Mrs Walls and Mrs King.

Welcome to Year 2!

Welcome back to the new year! Hope you all had a wonderful summer and enjoyed the glorious weather we were so lucky to have.
All the children have settled well into their new classrooms with their new teachers and have shown excellent commitment to their learning during their first week back.
We are excited for this upcoming year with lots of engaging topics being covered to hook the children into their learning.
Our first topic is ‘Where do I come from?’ This allows children to focus on where they live in the world in comparison to others.
We have sent the home learning home and we ask children to choose a few things to do to cover them over the term. We are not expecting children to complete all the tasks however it would be lovely for them to share a piece of home learning each week.
Please could you encourage reading at home as much as possible and record this in their home learning diaries.

From all the year two team
Miss Allen, Mrs Layton, Mrs Spicer, Mrs Wickes, Mrs King and Mrs Walls