Author Archive: Mrs Stray

Abacus Maths

Hello Children!

We have just added some more number bond games for you on Abacus Maths.

We have noticed that lots of you have tried to log on but haven’t been able to access the games.

Please try ‘allowing pop-ups’ and open the game in ‘google chrome’.

If it still isn’t working, try clicking on ‘Run a quick test’ (shown below in picture).

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Stinton and Miss Smillie

click here for help

Our Visit to Sea City Museum

Wow! What an amazing day we had!

We loved our Discovery Workshop where we learnt all about the different sorts of people who were on the Titanic.

101_0884This is some of our year group dressed up as a first class passenger, a third class passenger, a first class lady, the captain, a look-out and a first class stewardess.

We loved filling up the compartments on the Titanic model to make it sink and float.

We looked at replicas of differnt artefacts that would have been on the Titanic and tried to work out what they were for.

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We were able to do different activities like steering the Titanic and shovelling coal in the engine room.


And most of all we loved dressing up!

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Finally, we brought back a special box of resources to explore and learn more about at school. This was very exciting!


Home Learning

This weekend why don’t you investigate the Sea City Museum website and find out more about where we are going on Tuesday.

screenshot for website 1

You could also start your Home Learning Adventure books by looking at the Blooms Home Learning Pyramid, in your Adventure Book you brought home this week.

home learning 1 for websiteDon’t forget to log on to Bug Club and My Maths to access your online learning platform.

You should also read your books!

Welcome to Year Two

The website is now up and running, Hoorah!!

 Thank you to all parents and family who made it to our welcome meeting. We hope you found this useful. Don’t panic if you couldn’t make it as we have sent all the information home in a handy pack and we will be updating this blog regularly with any extra information you need to know.

Dates to know:

–         Tuesday 16th September – Trip

(Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to come along.)

–         Thursday 25th September – Liturgy 10.15am

–         Friday 3rd October – INSET

–         Monday 1st December – Advent Service at Sacred Heart.