Author Archive: Mrs Stray

Merry Christmas

Thank you to everyone for our lovely cards and gifts.

We hope you enjoy opening your special presents from the children.

Have a lovely (well-earned) break Year Two!

We look forward to seeing you all, rested and refreshed, in the New Year!

If you choose to continue your home learning projects over the Christmas Break

(apart from assembling new toys and writing thank you cards of course!)

then we suggest you start researching and finding out about the Royal Family.

Perhaps you could watch the Queen’s speech on Christmas Day…

Have a wonderful Christmas.

From all of the Year Two team.

christmas tree

Elephant Class Ukulele Concert

Thank you to everyone who was able to come to our Ukulele Concert today.

We hope you enjoyed it.

We have uploaded some pictures,

just in case you weren’t able to get there

We are so proud of all that we have learnt this half term.

Merry Christmas!

pic 1 pic 3pic 4

Home Learning This Week:

Literacy: I could write a description of my favourite fairy tale character using adverbs, adjectives and noun phrases.

Numeracy: I could find different shapes around my house and practice using a numberline to add and subtract.

RE: I could make an Advent wreath or find out more about Prophets.


Miss Smillie: Practice spelling: suddenly, cried, because, clothes, mother, feet, It’s, which.

Miss Stinton: Practice reading and spelling words with the split digraph ‘o_e’ e.g. whole, explode, alone, close

Miss Hele/Mrs Wickes: Practice spelling: like, some, what, have, there, their, who.

Bug Club, Abacus, My Maths

Elephant Class Ukulele Concert


We have been learning how to play the ukulele

and we would love to show you how well we have done and what we have learnt!

We would like to invite you to our Elephant Class Ukulele concert on

Monday 15th December at 11am.

We hope you can come to it!

ukulele concert 4



Anti-Bullying Week

This week we learnt so much about how to prevent bullying.

On Wednesday we had a special visitor come to visit us in assembly to teach us all about Hearing Dogs. We felt really strongly that we should help raise money to train more hearing dogs. We learnt the fact that only 150 dogs are trained each year but there are over 800,000 people in the UK that could benefit from one.

We will be collecting used stamps at school to help raise money for this charity. Please send in used stamps with at least a 0.5cm border around them of envelope.

We also had a visit from a guide dog on Thursday.

This week we have been so inspired to be more considerate, more understanding and more helpful to those around us. We hope you notice this at home!


Home Learning for Week Beginning: 17th November 2014

Literacy: I could write a diary, pretending to be my pet or an animal. I could write all about what I do all day!

Numeracy: I could collect some data about what we eat at home and make a pictogram.

RE: I could start thinking about Advent and how we prepare for the birth of Jesus.


Miss Smillie: Practice spelling: away, did, or, who, can’t, new, our, take, more, shouted.

Miss Stinton: Collect words with the /ey/ sound, the /oe/sound and the /au/ sound (e.g. donkey, autumn, goes).

Mrs Wickes/ Miss Hele: Practice spelling: could, put, old, too, by, I’m, called, here, asked

Bug Club, Abacus, My Maths

Home Learning

I could write a letter to say sorry to Samson the mouse for reading his diary.


Dear, Yours Sincerely



Miss Smillie: Collect words with the /oi/ sound (e.g. coin, toy). Find words ending in /ing/ like riding, trying.

Miss Stinton: Collect words with the /aw/ sound, the /wh/sound and the /ph/ sound (e.g. yawn, whisper, photo).

Mrs Wickes/ Miss Hele: Look at words with different spellings of the /igh/ sound (e.g. /ie/ /y/ /i_e/ /igh/ /i/)

Remember to go on Abacus, My Maths and Bug Club.

Welcome Back!

We hope you all had a lovely half-term.

This half term we will be carrying on with our Titanic topic for a few more weeks and then spend a few weeks looking at fairytales before Christmas.

This week we started learning about writing diaries.

We found a diary, written by Samson the mouse, in our classroom. He had left a trail of crumbs which we noticed on Tuesday! He came to visit us yesterday and he was very angry about us reading his diary. We explained to him it was only to learn about the features of a diary so that we can write one of our own.

In numeracy we learnt all about telling the time this week. We learnt that the minute hand was the longer hand and the hour hand was the short hand. We learnt to read o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. We also learnt how to draw the hands on the clock faces, being careful to draw the minute hand very accurately for half past, quarter past and quarter to. Some of us also started looking at telling the time to the nearest five minutes, although we found that ‘to’ was much more difficult than ‘past’. Telling the time at home as part of your everyday routine will really help to embed this understanding as telling the time is one of those skills which children either pick up very quickly or that takes a long time for them to become confident in.

Next week we will be learning about fractions including half, third, quarter  and fifth. We will be learning about how we record a fraction and how to find a fraction of a number. If you are eating pizza, pie or cake this weekend, you could discuss how to cut it into halves, quarters and thirds!

In RE this week we learnt all about Saint Martin. We hope year two can tell you all about him now and how they can learn how to be generous, helpful, peaceful and kind from his actions.

Next week we will be focussing on Remembrance so please talk to your children about Rememberance Day and why it is such a special and thoughtful day.



Praying the Rosary at Oaklands Chapel

Year 2 really enjoyed learning all about the Rosary with Mrs Newbiggin on Monday.

She taught us which prayers to say when we pray the Rosary.

We loved looking for signs of the Rosary around the Chapel.

Here are some pictures of our work displayed in Oaklands Chapel.


Our Home Learning This Week

Our Year 2 home learning this week is:


My Maths

Bug Club

Miss Smillie:

Write sentences that use ‘our’ and ‘are’ – make sure I use the correct spelling!

Miss Stinton:

Write words that use the /oy/ sound e.g. coin, boy

Mrs Wickes and Miss Hele:

Write words that use the /ee/ sound e.g. week, bead, scene

ee    e_e   ea   ey   y   e

Next week we will be learning about:

In numeracy we will be adding and subtracting 10 to any number.

You can prepare for this be practising counting in 10s starting from random numbers e.g. 2, 12, 22, 32, 42 (look at the pattern).

We will also be learning about the mid-point number e.g. half way between 10 and 20 is 15.

In literacy we will be finishing off our letter writing unit. We plan to write a letter to the Queen, writing formally. If you would like to find out information about the Queen, you will be able to help teach the class next week.

In RE will be focusing on the Rosary. Watching mummy and daddy praying the Rosary will help children to understand how to use it. Talking through prayer like the Hail Mary and the Apostles Creed will also support their learning.

We are also learning about the festival of Diwali.