Learning this week

We have been learning about how to pray the Rosary. This afternoon we all prayed part of the rosary and found out about all the different prayers that we can pray using the Rosary.


In maths we have been learning how to find out half of and double of numbers. We have used the dienes to help us. We can find half of the tens number and then the units. We have then used this to help us to solve problems.


In literacy this week we have been writing our superhero stories. Children tell your mum and dad what happens in your story! We have been using a variety of punctuation, descriptive language and new vocabulary. We have also been applying a variety of sentence types that we have been finding out about.

Look out for letters and sounds home learning to be sent home tomorrow. We look forward to sharing home learning for the last time this half term tomorrow. Next half term we will be launching a new topic which we will contact you about soon.

If any of you are able to walk to Waterlooville with us in the first week back please contact us.

Mrs. Luter