Home Learning 30.1.15

We have been very busy this week learning all about division, speech punctuation and parables!

Literacy: I could practice using speech punctuation in my own story. Don’t forget to check the blog to see the rhyme!

Numeracy: I could practice solving division problems like 21÷7=   (How many groups of 7 are there in 21?)

RE: I could think about the message of forgiveness and find some parables which teach me about this.


Miss Smillie’s Phonics Group – Collect different suffixes (word endings) when looking at present and past tense verbs e.g. cry – cried, humming – hummed, running – ran

Miss Hele and Mrs Wickes’ Phonics Group– Investigate words with different spellings of the /ar/ sound e.g. calm, heart, are, bizarre, car, dancing. Practice spelling the tricky words: saw, through, some, was.

Miss Stinton’s Phonics Group– Find words where the letter ‘c’ is pronounced differently like ‘cylinder’ or ‘crow’. Practice spelling the tricky words ‘one’ and ‘out’.

Bug Club, Abacus


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