Home Learning 22.1.15

Literacy: I could paint/ draw/ collage a new fairy-tale setting. I could then write a description about it in my home learning book.

Numeracy: I could practice my 2x, 5x and 10x tables. I could use an array to show what some of these multiplications look like.

RE: I could read the story of the Lost Sheep and think about how it teaches me about forgiveness.


Miss Simllie’s Phonics Group – Change these words from past into present, to future tense: ate, ran, went, saw, sat, looked, visited, changed, shopped, said, called, shouted

Miss Hele’s Phonics Group– Open your home reading books and find words with the sounds ‘ou’, ‘ll’, ‘ue’, ‘a_e’, ‘ew’.

Mrs Wickes’ Phonics Group– Open your home reading books and find words with the sounds ‘ou’, ‘ll’, ‘ue’, ‘a_e’, ‘ew’.

Miss Stinton’s Phonics Group– Find words where the letter ‘g’ is pronounced differently like ‘ground’ or ‘ginger’.

Bug Club, Abacus

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