Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you! We are excited to be back at school and start our new topic about the Royal Family. Here is an overview of our learning context this term:

In RE we will be learning about Revelations, Lent and Easter. Please look at the RE pages in the yellow home learning log. These will give you ideas on how you can support home learning in RE at home.

In maths we will be focusing on number, looking at money, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as well as ordering number and thinking about how much a number is worth e.g. 12 = 10 + 2.

In literacy we will be learning about fairytales and comparing common themes beteen different stories. We will be describing villains and innovating our own version of a well know fairytale.

In science we are focusing on what humans need to stay healthy and grow. We will be using our topic of the Royal Family to compare the lifestyles of people in different times and understand how lifestyles affect life expectancy.

In PE we are excitedly going to be learning a traditional court dance linked to our topic. We will be performing this dance at the ‘Queen’s birthday party’ at the end of term.

In ICT we are practising our typing and mouse skills. The more you are able to practice at home, the better! We know children are very confident at using tablets and Ipads, however they seem to lack confidence and skill at using a keyboard to type with and being able to use a mouse to navigate successfully on a computer.

French and music will be continued to be taught by subject specialists alongside ‘Listen to me’ where Hampshire County Council have provided a music teacher to teach tuned percussion to Year 2 over the Spring term.

In history and geography we will be focusing on our Royal Family topic, looking at Royalty in Britain throughout history as well as looking at where they lived and their castles and palaces. We will be comparing ways of life at different times, of different Monarchs, and what changed over time. We will look at the people of those times and find out about their quality of life. We will be celebrating British values through watching the Queen’s speeches and learning how she promotes justice and freedom.

During art lessons, we will be exploring a variety of techniques and materials to create different portraits of Monarchs.

PDL will include learning about how to play an active role as citizens and living in a democracy and having the right to vote.

As usual, the children will have a Bloom’s Taxonomy from which they can select different home learning activities to steer their own project. We would like to remind you that it is not necessary to complete all tasks and you are able to be creative and imaginative by thinking up tasks of your own.


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