New Maths Home Learning for Spring 2

Spring 2 Maths Home learning


Spring 2 Maths Home Learning

This half term we will be focussing on learning our times table facts. Children need to be able to:

  • Count in 2’s
  • Recall times table fact e.g. 2 x 6 = 12
  • Answer times table questions rapidly e.g. What is 2 x 4

Children should start with 2 times table up to 2 x 12. When they are secure and confident in each of these steps they should move on to 10’s and then 5’s.

It is best to practise these facts every day for a few minutes.

Week 1 Listen to times table songs

Songs are a great way to become very familiar with the number patterns. Below is an example but there are a huge amount available on Youtube!

Times Tables | Times Tables Songs | Multiplication | 2, 5 and 10 Times Tables| Maths Songs – YouTube

Week 2 Make groups of objects

Using everyday objects, put them in groups of 2, 10 or 5. Children could use anything from toy cars to sweets!

Encourage to count the objects in the intervals they are working with (2, 4, 6, 8…)

Add the numbers to the groups they have made.

Week 3 Make their own flash cards

Children have made flash cards in school and loved doing it! They can write the times table fact on one side, with the answer on the back. Help them to see how many they can remember. As they get more confident, why not time them to see how quickly they can answer them.

Week 4 Bingo!

Create a simple grid. Children can fill in the grid with the number in the number sequence they are learning.


Say the times table calculation and the children cover the correct answer.

Week 5 Play times table games online!

There are so many games and apps available for free, which are brilliant to help children with recalling facts at speed. It is best to play these when children are confident in saying the numbers in order.

Here are some games they may wish to explore:


Hit the Button – Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (


Coconut Multiples – Reinforce Times Tables (

Week 6 Practise telling o’clock, half past and quarter past on an analogue clock.



Challenge: Begin to explore quarter to times!


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