Our Home Learning This Week

Our Year 2 home learning this week is:


My Maths

Bug Club

Miss Smillie:

Write sentences that use ‘our’ and ‘are’ – make sure I use the correct spelling!

Miss Stinton:

Write words that use the /oy/ sound e.g. coin, boy

Mrs Wickes and Miss Hele:

Write words that use the /ee/ sound e.g. week, bead, scene

ee    e_e   ea   ey   y   e

Next week we will be learning about:

In numeracy we will be adding and subtracting 10 to any number.

You can prepare for this be practising counting in 10s starting from random numbers e.g. 2, 12, 22, 32, 42 (look at the pattern).

We will also be learning about the mid-point number e.g. half way between 10 and 20 is 15.

In literacy we will be finishing off our letter writing unit. We plan to write a letter to the Queen, writing formally. If you would like to find out information about the Queen, you will be able to help teach the class next week.

In RE will be focusing on the Rosary. Watching mummy and daddy praying the Rosary will help children to understand how to use it. Talking through prayer like the Hail Mary and the Apostles Creed will also support their learning.

We are also learning about the festival of Diwali.



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