Friday 27th November 2020

Hi everyone, we hope you’re well.

This week we’ve started looking at 2D shapes and lines of symmetry. The children did very well to identify vertical lines of symmetry by folding paper shapes and checking the reflection using mirrors. Well done!

In English, we’ve begun writing our diaries in role as the Lion from The Lion in Paris.

Have a look at what Mrs Pitman’s brilliant phonics group have been doing… Perhaps you can practise your own spellings using these creative strategies.

Great work on SumDog this week guys – so far 3 children have completed the Fractions Challenge. How many more of you will earn 100 coins before 6pm on Sunday? There’s also a 20 question assessment looking at everything we’ve done so far this year. Good luck!

Have a wonderful weekend, all!

Team 2.

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