Hi everyone,
We’ve had a great first week back in Giraffe and Elephant classes…
In English, we’ve continued with our story, ‘Hare and Tortoise’. This week we’ve been looking at specific vocabulary relating to each of the characters. Can you remember what a verb is? What about a rhetorical question?
In Maths we’ve been looking at how we can use lots of different concrete resources and pictorial strategies for helping us with our multiplication. Look at our arrays and number sentences… Arrays Flip
Our new topic is ‘This Way or That Way?’ and in this week’s lesson we learnt about the seven continents and five seas. Did you know that George (The Smartest Giant in Town) has a brother named Wilfred who travels the world? Here you can see the journey he took across the continents and seas. Wilfred’s Travels. Your homework for the next couple of weeks is to research the seven continents and think about which one you’d most like to visit and why.
See you on Monday everyone!
Year 2 Team.