Home Learning Friday 1st May 2020

Please use the blog for checking Home Learning as that is where it will be posted with easy to follow links and downloadable documents.


Please continue to read daily for 10 – 15 minutes. You can read books from your book shelf at home, magazines or log onto.


Attached is a mini reading project about a poem called The Sound Collector by Roger McGough which you can watch on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIL0kgnxJIo

Or download:


The Sound Collector Reading task


This week’s writing learning is based around the book The Day The Crayons Quit by Oliver Jeffers. There is 5 days worth of writing tasks so plenty to be getting on with.

The Day the Crayons Quit writing task


Watch or enjoy an excerpt here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hrd-Wdxbg-Q




On SUMDOG, you will find set spelling challenges to be completed. In addition, please continue to practise your letters and sounds using resources from www.twinkl.com and www.phonicsplay.co.uk. Below is a copy of the Y1 and Common Exception word lists for you to learn at home.



Year 1 CEW colour by similar letter pattern

Year 2 CEW colour by similar letter pattern



On SUMDOG, you will find both maths challenges and times table activities. Remember to keep practising your number bonds to 10, 20 and place value of number.

On MyMaths you will be set a series of tasks to complete each week.

In addition to this, HIAS have set some weekly Maths problem solving challenges using strategies we use in school. Click on the link to view and try these.


Year 2 Week 3 Problem 1

Year 2 Week 3 Problem 2

Mrs Osborne had a go showing you how the first problem could look… once you have done it will one set of numbers, try another way. Don’t worry if you make a mistake- Mrs Osborne did!



click the link below to access this week’s family science task

Family Science Activity 1.5.20


Hens and Roosters

Listen carefully to the music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHYSx6x1Ttw



Can you hear how the music shows the hens and roosters scratching the ground?

Can you hear them crowing and clucking? Create your own hens and rooster music using everyday objects.


Art Challenge Celebrations for VE Day

Portsmouth Naval Base is looking to mark the occasion of VE day and need YOUR HELP!  They have asked for you to draw pictures on the subject of WW2 & VE DAY and as an extra challenge try to incorporate a rainbow somewhere in the picture (even in the corner).  The pictures will be displayed within the Naval Base and once the day is over they hope to make contact with local nursing homes to distribute the pictures to help cheer our elderly  community. If you would like your work sent to the Naval base you will have to email it to me by Monday evening.  However, all work sent to me, even after Monday, will still be displayed, as usual, on the Art Blog.

In addition to the drawings for the Naval Base,  I  would appreciated any art and craft linked to this important historic  occasion , such as bunting, chalk drawings,  figures of soldiers, planes or medals. I know, as always, you will blow me away with your imaginative ideas and creativity.

Please email your artwork to me:


Thank you. Keep creating and keep safe!

Mrs Pearson


 Friday 8th May is VE day celebrations so please take part in this home learning to engage with understanding what it is all about.

Read through the Twinkl PowerPoint and watch this video to learn about what VE day celebration means: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/history-ks2-ve-day/z7xtmfr

Choose from the activities below:

Activity 1-Design your own medal looking at the attached document for some ideas. You can draw, colour then label it on paper or you could make a medal using different scraps of materials around your home. I don’t mind how you choose to do it just be creative and enjoy engaging in the learning about this celebration.

Activity 2-Imagine you are reporting to the news about this victory. Dress up as a soldier and talk about how you might have felt about this celebration. Express how excited you are and can’t wait to see your families.

Activity 3-Write a postcard to a missing family member telling them about your VE day celebrations. Draw a picture on the other side to show what you did and what you saw.

Activity 4-Make your own radio broadcast to announce Victory in Europe. You could even pretend to be Winston Churchill!

If possible, send photos or videos of your work to myself (Mrs Conlon) via my class email address so they can be put onto the school curriculum blog: starfishclass@stpeterswaterlooville.hants.sch.uk

Have lots of fun learning all about this special celebration.

I am looking forward to seeing your great history learning.

Best regards

Mrs Conlon

(History lead teacher)





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