Visit to Crookhorn School

Last week eight children from year 2 visited Crookhorn School for the morning to visit Professor Cranium! Conundrums galore greeted them and a great time was had by all.

The children had to answer lots of general knowledge questions and complete various tasks. And…. they won!! We are very proud of the children who attended and have enjoyed listening to their stories and admiring their trophy!

If anyone would like to see the trophy it will be on display in the entrance at school soon.

Well done Matthew, Leon, Esther, Hannah, Amelie, Annie, AJ and Joe. Also thank you to Mrs. Wickes for taking the children to the event.

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Other news in year 2….

We have been planning stories about Samson the mouse who has left his Titanic adventure behind for a new life in New York. We have been thinking of different and interesting ways to start sentences. We are beginning to look at paragraphs and the content that should be in each one.

Bug Club has been updated where appropriate. Please keep reading! The children really need to be reading every day to reach the age related expectations in year 2. Please visit the library and inspire your children to read. Every child should have a book from the school library. Please give a gentle nag if they are not coming home with one. If you were able to attend the spelling workshop at school you would have received some spelling lists with words that children must be able to read and spell by the end of year 2. Google ‘exception words year 2′ for a copy (this was also given out at parents’ evening). We are also testing the children on these words weekly – they are sent home on a Friday please practise them.

In maths we have been learning about fractions. We have been trying to use the language of fractions in our lessons to further develop our understanding. Many cakes have been shared and we now know which fraction of our favourite cake we would prefer …. 1/3 or 1/4?

On Friday we are going to South Downs College for a mini Olympics event. Please send children to school in their PE kit but it is not Spring yet please make sure children have jogging bottoms a school jumper / cardigan and a warm coat.

I will post some photos soon!

Mrs. Luter