Happy Easter from Year 2
What a fabulous return to school we have had. We have so enjoyed the last 3 weeks since all the children have been back and our very proud of the writing we have produced about the passengers on board Titanic.
In Science this week we have been planting seeds in order to answer the question, do seeds always need soil to grow?
This week in Year 2!
We have been busy in Year 2 this week continuing to write our diary entries as if we were a passenger on board Titanic!
We used our story mapping skills to plan out our diary entry adding key vocabulary.
In Maths we have been solving problems using multiplication and division skills.
We developed our strategies for solving problems by using the Plan, Do, Review approach.
Welcome back Year 2
We have loved seeing you all back in school!
You have come in and settled so quickly and we are already deep into our new learning journeys.
We are learning all about Titanic and it’s maiden voyage.
In maths we have been learning about multiplications and division and have been drawing models
and images to represent our learning.