Home Learning Friday 10th July 2020
This is our last week of term and therefore our last set of home learning tasks for you! All blog posts will be staying on our website so please feel free to complete any tasks that you may have missed along the way during the summer holidays! Please remember as you go about completing this home learning that our priority is reading, writing and maths so use your time to complete the tasks set for those. Pick and choose from the other subjects e.g. science, music and art; there is no expectation to complete them all.
English tasks
This week we will be:
Lesson 1: L.O: To retrieve Information
Lesson 2: L.O: To retrieve information
Lesson 3: L.O: To identify and use fronted adverbials https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-identify-and-use-fronted-adverbials-c4b840
Lesson 4: L.O: To map a recount
Lesson 5: L.O: To write a recount
Challenge: Free story writing
Think about all the new writing skills you have gained during Year 2.
You can write a story about the subject of your choice showing of some of these writing skills.
As part of the online lessons, there are weekly spellings set.
This week’s are:
hour sugar
move eye
prove could
improve should
sure would
Maths -National Oak Academy
The Maths lessons, focusing on recalling and using the 3 and 4 times table, follow on from the maths home learning set last week. Please follow the link to access the videos.
Lesson 1: L.O: To be able to recall the 3x table using skip counting.
Lesson 2: L.O: To be able to recall the 4x table using skip counting.
Lesson 3: L.O: To be able to use arrays for 3x and 4x table.
Lesson 4: L.O: To be able to know division facts for the 3x table.
Lesson 5: L.O: To be able to know division facts for the 4x table.
Please continue to check MyMaths where you will be set a series of tasks to complete each week as well as logging into Sumdog to develop your maths skills.
Growing Garlic!
Ben is on the allotment with his Mum. They would like to grow some garlic and are deciding how to plant the garlic cloves. Ben arranges the cloves into three rows and finds that he has one spare clove. How many cloves might he have had to start with?
Ben plants cloves of garlic in two rows and has one clove left over. So he tries again.
He plants cloves in three rows and has one left over. So he tries again.
He plants cloves in four rows and has one left over. So he tries again.
He plants cloves in five rows and has one left over. So he tries again.
He plants cloves in six rows and has one left over.
We know that he has fewer than 100 garlic cloves. How many did he have?
You could think about how many cloves he might have had if there were more than 100.
The Amazing Splitting Plant!
The splitting plant grows in a special way. In the first week, the stem splits into two branches.
In the second week, each of these two branches split into another two branches – making four branches altogether.
This keeps happening every week, until at the end of the sixth week each branch grows a flower.
How many flowers will the plant have?
Family Science Activity – Friday 10th July 2020
Spaghetti Towers https://www.rigb.org/families/experimental/spaghetti-towers – to watch the video
The activity:
· Make a tower from spaghetti and marshmallows.
· Experiment with the construction of your tower to find out which shapes are best for building with.
· Learn why some shapes are more stable than others when you build a tower. https://www.rigb.org/docs/spaghettitowers_infosheet_0_1.pdf – for the full information on the activity and questions to ask your child(ren)
You will need:
Packet of spaghetti (uncooked) • Packet of marshmallows
What to do:
Challenge a child or children to use marshmallows (whole ones or pieces) to join lengths of spaghetti together to make the tallest tower possible. You could start by building a simple cube and seeing what you need to do to make a taller structure that remains standing.
Going Further challenge:
· Instead of building a tall tower, you could try to build the strongest bridge from spaghetti and marshmallows.
· You could limit the amount of spaghetti and number of marshmallows to make the task more difficult.
· You could give children a budget with which to ‘buy’ spaghetti and marshmallows and make the ‘cost’ of the tower another element they have to consider.
· Try out this interactive ‘shapes’ lab to see how forces affect different shapes: http://bit.ly/ShapesLab
Have fun!
Week 7- Peter and The Wolf
Watch the whole musical story Peter and the Wolf.
Listen out for the different tunes you have been learning about.
What instruments can you see?
Religious Education
As we approach the end of the school year and consider our journey in faith towards God, now is a great time to reflect upon each of the Sacraments that form a special part of this journey. Please choose ONE of the seven Sacraments below: Baptism, Holy Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Holy Orders, Reconciliation or Anointing of the Sick.
With your chosen sacrament, have a go at ONE of the following tasks…
Write a prayer or poem about your favourite Sacrament. How could you ask for God’s blessing and guidance throughout your Christian journey? Describe how you would feel during the Sacrament.
· Create a stained glass window to represent the key symbol(s) of your chosen Sacrament. What do these symbols mean and why do you think that they are they important?
· Can you find any photographs at home from when you or a family member took part in any of the Sacraments? Discuss what the experience was like and what you can both still remember.
· Make a set of game cards to help you remember each of the sacraments (e.g. Snap, Pairs, Dobble) and how they are similar or different to one another.
· Are there any special garments or items of clothing that you would wear when taking part in your chosen Sacrament? Design an appropriate outfit – which colours or details would be suitable?
· Research how your chosen Sacrament is celebrated across different churches and countries. How do the celebrations compare to each other? Is there anything that surprised you?
Go onto www.hourofcode.com. Select ‘Imagine a World’.
We’d like you to create your own world.
What animals live there?
What is the climate like?
Do people live there? If so, who and where do they live?
Is it always light or dark? Do they have night and day like we do? If so, make sure you show this.
What food do your animals or people eat? Can you show us?
Feel free to send some pictures to our class emails to share your beautiful work.
Have fun!
The Year 2 Team
Home Learning Friday 3rd July 2020
We can’t wait to see some of you this week for our hour in school! Have a lovely week 🙂
Please remember as you go about completing this home learning that our priority is reading, writing and maths so use your time to complete the tasks set for those. Pick and choose from the other subjects e.g. science, music and art; there is no expectation to complete them all.
English tasks
This week we will be moving on to focus on non-fiction and non-chronological texts.
Lesson 1: L.O: To be able retrieve information from a non-chronological text.
Lesson 2: L.O: To be able to identify the features of a non-chronological text.
Lesson 3: L.O: To be able to identify and use subordinating conjunctions.
Lesson 4: L.O: To be able organise facts under subheadings.
Lesson 5: L.O: To be able to write a non-chronological text.
Challenge: Adjective Alphabet!
Can you think of an adjective for each letter of the alphabet? You can use the template below or create your own poster to show your fabulous. adjectives off!
As part of the online lessons, there are weekly spellings set. This week’s are:
On SUMDOG, you will find set spelling challenges to be completed. In addition, below is a copy of the Y1 and Common Exception word lists for you to learn at home.
Year 2 CEW colour by similar letter pattern Year 1 CEW colour by similar letter pattern
Maths -National Oak Academy
The Maths lessons focusing on number follow on from the maths home learning set last week. Please follow the link to access the videos.
Lesson 1: L.O: To be able to apply addition strategies to solve equations.
Lesson 2: L.O: To be able to apply subtraction strategies to solve equations.
Lesson 3: L.O: To be able to solve word problems.
Lesson 4: L.O: To be able to solve comparison word problems.
Lesson 5: L.O: To be able to add two 2 digit numbers.
Please continue to check MyMaths where you will be set a series of tasks to complete each week as well as logging into Sumdog to develop your maths skills.
Here are two dice.
If you add up the dots on the top you’d get 7 !
Roll the dice. Add the numbers that are on the top.
What other totals could you get if you roll the dice again?
If you don’t have two dice at home, use this link which will give you virtual dice to play with:
Challenge 2:
We understand that it has been a tricky time for you all, and we are so proud with how hard you have worked during these last few weeks. We would like you to fill your bucket with different things that has made you happy or that you are grateful for during lockdown. Use the template below to help you, or you can create your own bucket.
Family Science Activity – Friday 3rd July 2020
If your child has an allergy to eggs – please choose another exciting investigation from https://www.rigb.org/families/experimental
Bouncing Eggs
https://www.rigb.org/families/experimental/eggsperiments – watch the video
- Make an uncooked egg bounce!
- ExpeRiment with different liquids to see what effect they have on eggs.
- Learn how the acid in household liquids like orange juice and vinegar react with eggshells and make them dissolve, leaving the inside of the egg intact.
https://www.rigb.org/docs/dissolving_eggs_infosheet_v2_0_1.pdf – download worksheet for instructions and questions to ask before and after the investigation.
You will need:
5 eggs • Glasses or jars that an egg can fit inside comfortably • Cling film • Oil • Milk • Water • Vinegar • Orange juice
Going further challenge:
- You can use the shell-less eggs you make from this experiment to do another activity which will let you shrink and expand the eggs by placing them in different liquids: http://bit.ly/nakedeggs
- Watch a video of how to make a coloured bouncy egg, then try making one yourself: http://bit.ly/RubberEgg
The Hunters
Listen to this short piece of music and find a picture of the timpani.
What do you think the hunters are doing?
Can you create your own hunter music out of everyday objects?
Art Challenge For Father Jeremy:
Father Jeremy has got a very special celebration coming up on 26th July this year. He will be celebrating 45 years since his ordination into the priesthood. I think this is a remarkable achievement and should be marked by your incredible artwork. Therefore, your Art challenge for the next fortnight is to produce a piece of art for Father Jeremy. This can take any form you like from street art, a drawing, collage or even some edible art! As well as being a priest, Father Jeremy has a wide range of interests including walking, reading and nature. So let you creative juices flow and come up with something spectacular….I know you will!
As I have mentioned, this is a two week challenge and I would ask that, as well as me displaying your art on the Blog, would you please keep hold of it (yes even sculptures you may make), so that I can collect it from you, when we are all back in school and put it in a book and then present in to Father Jeremy.
As always, you can still send any other art work to me and I will post that on the Blog too.
Please email your artwork to me:
Thank you
Keep creating and keep safe!
Mrs Pearson