What we have been up to…

From Mrs Taylor:
Hello year 2, I hope you are all well.

Last week I had been busy preparing to come into school, ready for year 1’s return. I love having a new class of children to work with but I miss you all very much.
Over the weekend I went with my sons to play crazy golf. I’m pleased to say I didn’t come last but I definitely didn’t win. Unfortunately the golf balls spent a lot of the time in the water. It was lovey to spend some time doing something different.
I look forward to seeing you all soon. Stay safe and keep up the good school work I hear your doing.
From Mrs Pallett:
Hello year 2 I hope you’re all well. Last week my husband, son & I travelled to Exmouth to pick up our new addition to our family …we have a tortoise called Timmy ( William named him ) he’s very sweet but also very mischievous!
I’ve been busy back at school meeting new faces but missing all of you. I’m looking forward to seeing you all & hearing what you’ve been up to.
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