Home Learning for Friday 17th April: Part 2

Hello, In addition to the tasks and online links published in Part 1, here are some other home learning task for Music, Science and RE.

Music- Opening The Carnival of the Animals

This activity can be done on your own or with other members of your family. You may want to find a comfortable place to lie down in.

Close your eyes and listen to this piece of music: https://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video;_ylt=AwrJ7JU.95ZedwwAj.5XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEybHNpMmM4BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjk4NDhfMQRzZWMDc2M-?p=carnival+of+the+animals+Royal+March+of+the+lion&fr=mcafee#action=view&id=15&vid=1cfd51408275cd6c377df974c1767751


What pictures, patterns or colours come into your head?

Can you draw a picture of what you imagined?

Ask your family to do the same. Talk about and compare what you did. Remember- there is no right or wrong answer.

Family Science Activity 

Fizzy Bottle Rockets – click on the links below to view a video and download the information sheet.



Questions to ask children:

When tablet is put in glass of water: What do you think is in the bubbles?

Where do you think the bubbles are coming from?

What do you think would happen if we used more than one tablet? Why?

What do you think would happen if we used warm water? Why?

Before making rocket:

What do you think will happen if we put some tablets and water in this bottle and close the lid? Why?

What things could we change to make the rocket go higher?

Going further:

Experiment with different sizes of bottle and different combinations of water and tablets to find out what combination gives you the highest flying rocket.

Does it matter how many tablets you use?

What about if you break the tablets into smaller pieces?

How does the temperature of the water affect things?

Watch a flame powered bottle rocket: http://bit.ly/FlamingBottleRockets

Learn more about propulsion by building a balloon powered car: http://bit.ly/ BalloonCars


Religious Education

As part of your RE learning and reflection upon Easter, we would like you to complete ONE of the following activities, in order to develop your knowledge of this special time in the Church calendar…

· Design your own Easter Egg and include as many symbols for new life as you can!

· Create a comic strip cartoon of the key events that took place in the Easter story.

· Write a journal that includes the thoughts and feelings of Mary and the disciples, when they had discovered the empty tomb.

· Draw your own Good Friday crucifix and fill it with prayers for Jesus, as well as those around the world who have been working hard and making sacrifices for the good of others.

· Make a prayer station at home, for moments of peaceful reflection. Choose an Easter prayer as part of your worship, from https://cafod.org.uk/Pray/Prayer-resources/Easter-prayers

· Build your own Easter word search and include as many religious key words as you can, e.g. Resurrection, Sacrifice, Miracle, New Life, Tomb.

· Decorate your own Easter postcard with a Biblical image. Record your own Happy Easter message and spread the Good News to one of your friends!

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