Monthly Archives: February, 2020

Ash Wednesday In Year 2

This week marks the start of Lent.


In Year 2 we attended an Ash Wednesday service in the hall led by Miss Keogh. We made our commitments to God and received the ashes on our foreheads.

We then discussed the meaning of the ashes in class and created posters.

Happy Half Term

On Friday, Year 2 really enjoyed another day of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. They created some amazing books full of facts about bees and also designed some Google icons based on the theme of pollinators.

After half term the children will be designing and making moon buggies. To help them prepare for this, please encourage the children to join in with our Year 2 half term holiday project, where they will have the opportunity to look at, discuss and make wheeled products at home. All children will be given a leaflet explaining how to get involved.

Another week in Year 2

This week, the children have started to explore and learn about Acrostic Poems. We have explored the use of language and the skills used to create imagery in the reader’s mind. We are looking forward to writing our own acrostic poem next week.

In Maths, the children have continued to solve problems involving money. We have been working hard to solve two step problems using our prior knowledge.

We have our STEM day on Friday. We are going to be very busy making booklets about Bees as pollinators!

Please could you continue supporting the children at home with their reading and learning number facts (number bonds to 10, 20 and times tables).

Have a lovely weekend.
The Year 2 Team.