We have enjoyed our week in Year 2!
In English, we have published our stories and we enjoyed making sure our presentation was the very best it could be. We have been exploring Mr Twit in our Guided Reading sessions, and the children been sorting vocabulary based on relevance. The children then explained why they thought some words were more relevant than others.
In Maths, we have been taking away tens from any number and have started to subtract two 2-digit numbers.
We loved using the dienes to help us!
At home, please could you practise counting on in tens from any number e.g. 34, 44, 54 at home.
As part of our Design and Technology topic ‘Food Glorious Food’, your child will have the opportunity to taste a range of sandwich fillings and breads on Tuesday 15th October. Your child will be coming home with a letter with more information regarding this event. Please could you ensure your child returns their slip by Monday 14th October.
Have a fabulous weekend!
The Year 2 Team.