Geography Day!
The children in year 2 had a fabulous day looking at the physical and human features on maps.
They then went on to make their own 3D map and labelled the features on it.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Please continue to encourage your children to log into SumDog to complete our maths challenge.
From the year 2 team.
Where in the World?
The children have enjoyed planning and writing their story in the style of Flat Stanley who goes on an adventure to California in an envelope because he is flat!
In maths we have been focusing on finding fractions of an amount. This included 1/4, 2/4 and 3/4’s. The children drew bar models to help them to solve problems.
The children have also been finding out where bananas grow around the world as well as looking at the names of the continents that the countries are located in.
Please continue to practise times tables as the children are really improving when they are completing their 5 minute challenges to see how many they can answer.
Have a great weekend.
From the year 2 team.
Lentern Liturgy!
The children performed a wonderful liturgy as a year group to all their families and friends. Thank you to everyone who supported them.
2A have their music concert on Monday 25th March at 11.15am in 2A classroom. We would like to welcome as many of you as possible to see what the children have been learning in music this half term.
From the year 2 team.
Time Table Practise!
The children this week in maths have been playing games to help their recall of the 2, 5 and 10 times table facts.
We are encouraging children to continue practising at home to improve their speed.
Some children used Numicon to help them to visualise the 2 times table facts. We played a game as a group where they had to listen to the multiplication sentence said aloud and they had to race against their friends to use the tools to help them say the answer.
In English we have began looking at the story of Flat Stanley linked to our topic which is called ‘Where in the World?’. The children have enjoyed exploring the feelings of the different characters at each part in the story.
Just a reminder Year 2 have their Liturgy on Tuesday 12th March at 10.00am in the hall. You are all welcome to share this celebration with us.
We hope you all have a great weekend.
From the Year 2 team.
Welcome Back!
The children have had a great first week back with settling into learning so well.
They have enjoyed publishing their non-fiction Titanic texts for the Sea City Museum.
In maths we have been measuring objects around the room and understanding metres and centimetres. Encourage your children to talk about what measuring tool they would use to measure different objects around the house and why.
Please continue to practise the 2, 5 and 10 times tables with your children as next week we are making this a focus in maths for the children to be able to recall their facts quickly to solve problems.
Have a lovely weekend.
From the year 2 team.