Poetry Competition!
Well done to all the children who put a huge amount of effort into learning a poem off by heart and then performed it in front of the year group!
These are the children that we have put forward to perform in front of the school to be in the chance to be the overall winner for year 2….
Evan Gray
Luca Dalmut-Rudd
Edie Swandell
Please could your children continue to read over the half term break and practise recalling their times table facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
Hope you all have a lovely break.
From the year 2 team.
The children had a wonderful time in year 2 designing and creating their own catapult.
They had to test to see how many lolly pops would be best to use to make their object fly the furthest. They then used metre sticks to measure the distance.
We are continuing to problem solve with money in maths where the children have to find out how much change they get when they spend a certain amount.
In English we are beginning to write our non-fiction text about the Titanic.
Have a great week.
From the year 2 team.
Titanic Artifact Box!
The children had a great experience exploring the artifact box that had been delivered to our classrooms.
They asked lots of questions and then chose an object to write clues about for a friend to guess what it was.
The children have also enjoyed writing their Titanic diaries this week in English.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
From the year 2 team.