We hope you have all had a wonderful summer!
The children have settled in so well to year 2 working very hard in all areas of their learning.
In English we have been looking at the book ‘The Disgusting Sandwich.’ The children have predicted what they think the book will be about as well as retelling the story once they have listened to it. Excellent reading skills have been shown this week.
In Maths the children have been focusing on place value. They have been looking at 2 digit numbers and identifying the tens and ones. They have been using their tool kits to help them with this. This is something they can continue practicing at home alongside counting in 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s.
The children have their new spelling books to take home and use for practicing their common exception words which we will give to them each week on a sticker. The children are aware of all the different ways they can practice spelling their words.
Just a reminder on Wednesday 12th September at 3.30pm in the year 2 classrooms there will be a welcome meeting for all parents/carers to find out all about year 2.
Have a lovely weekend.
The year 2 team.