Hope you all had a wonderful half term break. The children have settled back into school well and have been working hard in all areas.
In Maths the children have been practising their times tables. Please encourage the children to go on Sum Dog and take part in the challenge for the national competition.
In English the children have started reading the Tin Forest and looking at the language choices within the story.
In Science the children have been looking at things that are alive, things that have never been alive and things that are dead. The children have enjoyed discussing reasons for their choices when grouping.
The children have had a great STEM day where they have been learning about the habitats of animals as well as looking at the technology within the ambulances.
Please remember 2A have their music concert on Monday 11th June 2018 at 11.15am in the classroom. Hope to see as many of you there as possible.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend.
From the year 2 team.