Tag Rugby!
Huge congratulations to the children in year 2 who took part in the tag rugby competition against other schools in the local area. Our children came second place so well done to them.
This week in English the children have enjoyed writing wonderful stories in the style of Flat Stanley. It has been a pleasure to read and share them with one another.
Have a lovely Easter break.
From the year 2 team.
Our learning!
This week in year 2 we have been practising our multiplication skills. We have used repeated addition, multiplication, word problems and drawn arrays to show our workings out.
The children have also been busy planning their ideas ready to write their own stories in the style of Flat Stanley. We are excited to read these when they are completed.
Just a reminder 2OK have their music concert on Monday 26th March at 11.15am in their classroom. We would love to welcome as many of you there as possible to see what the children have been learning in music this half term.
Monday 26th March at 5pm is also when we will be having the SATs information meeting in 2OK. Again we would like to see as many of you there as possible to find out all there is to know about the Year 2 SATs as well as having any questions you have about them answered.
Have a lovely weekend
From the year 2 team.
Well done to all the children in year 2 for their liturgy that they shared together. Thank you to all the parents and families for your support, we really appreciate it.
In maths next week we are looking at multiplication and division so please could the children continue to practice their times tables 2’s, 5’s, 10’s and 3’s.
Have a lovely weekend
Year 2 team
World Book Day!
What a lovely World Book Day we have had with the children dressing up and reading some of their favorite books throughout the day.
They have all enjoyed being hooked into our new class book which is Flat Stanley. We had a visit from Mrs Lampchop to tell us all about what had happened to Stanley! The children were keen to ask lots of questions and find out how we can help him to be better.
We are all excited to get lots of good writing in English from this class text.
Have a lovely weekend
From the year 2 team.