Monthly Archives: November, 2017

Story Writing!

This week the children have been writing some wonderful stories in the style of The Smartest Giant in Town.

We have also begun looking at money where the children have been making different amounts using the coins.

If the children could practise this at home with real money then that would be a great benefit to their learning.


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Have a lovely weekend.

From the year 2 team.

Our learning for this week!

The children have enjoyed practising their multiplication skills alongside division this week in maths.

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We have also enjoyed writing our own stories in the version of the Smartest Giant in Town.

The children have been working hard with practising their nativity. We have fantastic readers, singers and actors!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Year 2 team.

Another fun week!

This week in year 2 we have been learning about multiplication. The children have been learning to draw arrays from repeated addition and linking it to multiplication sentences.

The children in English have been writing their plan to enable them to write their own version of The Smartest Giant in Town.

Please could the children continue practicing their 2’s, 3’s, 5’s and 10’s times tables.

Have a lovely weekend.

From Year 2

History Day!

The children have had a great first week back at school after half term! We have carried on with learning about fractions in maths as well as introducing our new book in English: ‘The Smartest Giant in Town’.

We have ended the week with a great day learning about the history of clothing for our new topic ‘Dress to Impress.’

Here are some photos from today to show all the lovely activities the children have been doing.

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Have a lovely weekend.

Year 2 team.