The children had a wonderful time writing prayers to our butterflies that they have been watching grow this half term.
After half term 2L have their music concert on Monday 5th June 2017 at 11am.
Could we ask if you bring in as many different sized bottles as you can for the children to learn about capacity after half term.
We hope you have a wonderful break. The children have worked so hard this half term especially during their SATs and we are all very proud of them.
From the year 2 team
A home for a worm!
The children have enjoyed making homes for worms this week.
They have then written instructions during their English lessons.
Here some photos of the fun they had.
If you are able to help on the Staunton trip on Wednesday 14th June please could you let us know. Thank you for all the reply slips we have had so far. Still plenty of time to get them in.
Many thanks
Year 2 team.
The children have been working extremely hard this week in telling the time to 5 minutes. If possible, please could children continue to be encouraged to tell the time at home as it is something we just need to keep practicing with them.
In English the children have enjoyed writing their own story based on our class text A New House for Mouse. We have had a big push on presentation and encouraged the children to show their learning behaviors through commitment to produce the very best writing that they can.
We have had a few children tell us that they have been worried about the SATs tests that they had to complete last week. We have been very understanding towards the children as we know it can seem a stressful time for them however we have been clear to them they don’t need to worry about them as they are assessed in just the same way their normal day to day work is. They are of course encouraged to do their very best and expectations are that they are to be done without communicating with their peers. However if they feel they can’t complete a question then they are not to spend time worrying about it. We are sure this is the same message you are stressing to your children too. We are doing the very best we can to make sure their day is as normal as possible around the tests they have to do across some mornings next week. Our topic lessons throughout the afternoons are helping to engage the children to take their mind off the SATs and they have demonstrated some wonderful Science learning through it. Extra play is also given after to ensure they have that time to rest their minds and spend quality time with their friends.
This is a competition which the children can take part in. They can design a poster for their homework and then bring it into school to share and enter.
Thank you for your continued support. Any questions please come and speak to Miss Allen or Mrs Layton.
Have a lovely weekend.
From the year 2 team.
The children have worked really hard this week during the start of their SAT’s. We have reassured them that they have nothing to worry about but to just try their best as they do all the time in their learning.
Around this we have been enjoying learning about the habitats of animals. We have learnt about the life cycle of a human and compared this to a butterfly’s life cycle.
We have also been learning about whether things are dead, alive or that have never been alive and the reasons why. The children then enjoyed sorting these objects into the different categories within a group.
During English the children have been continuing to focus on our class story A New House for Mouse. We have written suffixes and verbs as well as writing the four different sentence types. These include statements, commands, questions and exclamations.
Have a lovely weekend.
From the year 2 team.