The children have had a wonderful half term working hard learning all about the Titanic. Well done to all the children who went away and extended their learning at home. We have enjoyed sharing it as a class.
Next term our topic will be Kings and Queens. We have sent a letter home with your children tonight to ask if they could dress up on Friday 3rd March as either a king or queen for our topic day. Please don’t worry about buying an outfit. We encourage children to wear something they already have in their wardrobes.
After half term we are also going to be looking at 3D shapes. Please could you possibly collect empty boxes or containers which are either cubes, cuboids, triangular prisms, spheres or any other 3D shapes for the children to sort during their maths lessons.
Hope you all have a lovely half term and the children get a well deserved rest.
From the year 2 team.