SAT’S Meeting
Many thanks to all the parents and carers that were able to attend the SAT’s meeting before half term. We understand some families were not able to come. Here are some key points that we talked about during the meeting:
These are the tests which we will be asking the children to sit in May 2017. There is no set date we have to sit them on therefore we are going to be doing them over a two week period so they are spread out for the children. We won’t specifically tell them they are sitting their SATs that day. We will be doing it discretely to prevent any child worrying about them.
These are the tests:
- English reading Paper 1: combined reading prompt and answer booklet
- English reading Paper 2: reading booklet and reading answer booklet
- English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: spelling
- English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: questions
- mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic
- mathematics Paper 2: reasoning
The children will be in the classroom sitting their tests and not in the hall like year 6 do. It is a relaxed process that is not strictly timed. This allows us to give the children breaks in between the tests if they require it. We will be aware of all the children’s needs throughout the tests.
These are the things we are doing to help prepare the children for the tests:
- Learning behaviours
- Regular test style questions embedded in the curriculum
- Practice papers
- Guided reading / comprehension
- Spellings sent home, spelling and phonics lessons
- Grammar teaching daily in literacy lessons
- Once fortnightly punctuation and grammar test
The tests are used to inform teacher assessment. We assess the children all year to build their end of key stage assessment and the tests are a small part of this.
Please visit these websites for further support with the KS1 end of year tests.
Please do not worry about these tests. We fully prepare the children to be able to sit these tests and all we ask at home is for you to continue to support your children with their reading, handwriting, spellings and maths particularly times tables. All of these skills will support them with their daily in class learning.
Any further questions please come and see myself – Miss Allen or Mrs Layton and we will both be happy to assist.
From the year 2 team
End of half term
The children have had a wonderful half term working hard learning all about the Titanic. Well done to all the children who went away and extended their learning at home. We have enjoyed sharing it as a class.
Next term our topic will be Kings and Queens. We have sent a letter home with your children tonight to ask if they could dress up on Friday 3rd March as either a king or queen for our topic day. Please don’t worry about buying an outfit. We encourage children to wear something they already have in their wardrobes.
After half term we are also going to be looking at 3D shapes. Please could you possibly collect empty boxes or containers which are either cubes, cuboids, triangular prisms, spheres or any other 3D shapes for the children to sort during their maths lessons.
Hope you all have a lovely half term and the children get a well deserved rest.
From the year 2 team.
Titanic story writing!
In English this week we have been enjoying writing our wonderful Titanic stories. The children have shown a lot of enthusiasm for our topic this half term which has reflected in their descriptive writing. They have all of their knowledge to bring their stories to life.
In Maths we have been learning how to measure accurately using a ruler as we as recapping telling the time. If the children could continue to practice telling the time on an analogue clock at home then this will really help with securing their learning.
Please could the children continue practicing their spellings. Here is the list of words that they need to be spelling correctly in year 2.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Year 2 team.