The children have a wonderful morning making their stockings. They worked so hard on practising their sewing skills.
Now the children have made their stockings they will then be able to write instructions on how to make one for Bertie Badger to make who is a character from our class story that we are reading.
The children have also been busy practising for their Nativity ‘Christmas Counts.’ Please remember to bring in your child’s reply slip to request your tickets to watch the nativity. Once all children have been given two tickets each we will then issue out any spare tickets that have been requested.
Also please remember to return your child’s reply slip for the Sea City Museum trip which will take place on Wednesday 4th January 2017. Many thanks to all the parents who have offered to help. We shall count numbers and let you know before the end of term if we need your help.
Have a lovely weekend.
From the year 2 team.