Monthly Archives: November, 2016


Year 2 have enjoyed making their own Advent wreaths in RE to understand the meaning of each candle.




We have also been looking at multiplication in maths. The children have enjoyed making arrays using different equipment and applying their knowledge of the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.


From Mrs Layton and Miss Allen

We have finally met the giant!

Year two this week have enjoyed meeting our mystery giant who left his clothes in our classrooms.

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The children were engaged with asking him lots of questions they have been thinking about all week to find out why he left his clothes.

We have also enjoyed our Friday morning making our houses for animals. The children were so creative in what they made and they also showed excellent collaboration with helping each other.

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We have been really proud of the children for showing excellent commitment to their home learning. We are seeing children reading, practising their handwriting as well as taking part in their maths home learning. This is showing great impact to their work in year two so we would like to thank you for your continued support at home with this.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Allen and Mrs Layton

Smartest Giant in Town learning.

We started our week with lots of excitement when we found some clothes left in our classroom. Lots of questions came from this and the children still haven’t found out who has left them! Hopefully all will be revealed next week!


We have also enjoyed exploring shape in maths and finding the line of symmetry.

On Friday 18th November we are having a topic day. This will involve designing and making a house for one of the characters in the book using different materials. Please could we ask if your children could collect various empty boxes, plastic bottles, wrappers or anything else that would normally be recycled. We will start a collection in the classroom during the week.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Many thanks.

Miss Allen and Mrs Layton

Science fun in year 2.

Welcome back to the second half of the autumn term. We hope all the children had a lovely break.

We have had another great week of learning particularly in English where we have been linking our Science learning in by exploring the different materials used for building houses.

The children have learnt lots of fabulous new language to describe the properties of the materials and why they might be used for different purposes.

Our trip to Wickes and Topps Tiles was a fantastic experience for the children to have a chance to see building materials for real and use the language they had learnt to describe what they saw. We are excited to see the writing outcomes next week from this trip.

Big thank you again to all the parents that have helped out with this trip, we could not have done it without you!

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Please could all children practice their spellings and handwriting as much as possible. We will be giving children commitment ticks for doing this and sharing it with us in school.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Allen and Mrs Layton