6 C Day!
We have all had a fantastic Friday using our 6 C’s during lots of fun activities. We have been so proud of the older children supporting the younger children with joining in and succeeding today. Here are just a few photos to of our day.
The staff also celebrated Mrs Wickes’ birthday which is in half term by sharing an early morning breakfast together. We wish Mrs Wickes a very happy birthday and hope she has a lovely day celebrating during the holidays.
Have a lovely break.
Best wishes from the year 2 team.
Year 2 learning for this week.
Year 2 have had a wonderful last week before half term. The children have been busy learning about money. They have been adding coins together to make different amounts. They have also been creating excellent writing in English about their trip to Waterlooville.
RE Home Learning
In RE we are learning abut the different Saints. For home learning can your child find out about a Saint and write down what they have one in their lives to become a Saint.
Your child can choose to make a poster, paint a picture, make a model or write a story about a Saint. These are just a few ideas for how your child can be creative with their home learning.
We wish you all a relaxing week off and we shall see you after half term.
Many thanks for your continued support with your children’s learning.
Year 2 team.
Our fun week in year 2.
On Tuesday we had a lovely time sharing our Creation Liturgy to all our families. Thank you to everyone that came and shared this special time with us. We really appreciate it.
We also had a wonderful time on our school trip to Waterlooville Library. We listened to some new stories that have come into the library and we enjoyed a treasure hunt to find different types of books. Many thanks to everyone who came to help as without you, our trips would not be possible. We greatly appreciate you giving up your time for the children.
Please could we ask you to check all your child’s school jumpers at home as we have had a few children who have lost their jumper’s which have names in. We appreciate children can sometimes pick up the wrong jumper without realising so we would be grateful if you could just double check your child has the right one. Many thanks.
Have a lovely weekend. See you all next week.
From the year 2 team.
We have had lots of fun this week estimating in maths which linked well with our competition to raise money for CAFOD by estimating how many cubes were in the jar. Thank you all for your donations towards this fantastic charity.
All the children have enjoyed writing their postcard for our new class book called Meerkat Mail 2. We are all excited to publish this.
We have also been getting ready for our Liturgy which will be on Tuesday 11th October at 10.20am in the hall. We look forward to welcoming as many of you as possible.
Have a wonderful weekend.
From the Year 2 team 🙂