Singing Concert
Yesterday Giraffe Class showed some mums and dads what they have been learning during their singing lessons. They sung beautifully, songs from around the world, that they have only been learning for a few weeks. The children thoroughly enjoyed the concert and I am sure mums and dads did too!
We thank Mrs. McKenzie once again for all her hard work and Elephant Class look forward to working with her next half term.
For the mums and dads who were unable to come to our concert here are some photos for you.
Staunton Country Park
We had a fabulous day at Staunton learning about different animals and their habitats! We particularly enjoyed exploring the rabbit and guinea pig habitats. We also saw a large African snail and stick insects. Some of us enjoyed feeding the lambs but it was rather scary when they charged at us for their milk bottles.
Although the day started out rather drizzly we were lucky enough to have a picnic in the afternoon.
Please continue to learn times tables and number facts at home. We are enjoying looking at the children’s home learning projects. Please remember we do not expect something every week. We have spoken to the children about ideas from the learning pyramid and they are aware that they could spend a few weeks on developing an idea before bringing it to school.
At last the sun seems to be remembering what to do during summer so we hope that you all have a lovely weekend.