Welcome back!
Welcome back!
We can barely believe we are into the second half of the Spring Term already. It won’t be long before Easter.
Today we had a beautiful liturgy with Father Vitalis and were joined by lots of parents. The theme of our liturgy was forgiveness. We have been thinking in class about how and why we forgive and how forgiving helps us to live more like Jesus.
The children were superbly behaved and were prayerful throughout. Well done children!
Tomorrow there is a meeting for parents about spelling in year 2. It will begin at 10 and there will be a short presentation in the hall by Mrs. Bowen. This will be followed by the opportunity to see what happens during a typical spelling session in the year 2 area. We set for spelling so you may find your child is in a different classroom to usual. Every week we will be sending high frequency spellings home. You can expect to see these stapled into your child’s home learning diary every Friday and we will test the children on the spellings during the following week.
We are continuing with our Titanic topic this half term but moving on to focus on Queens in the next couple of weeks. When appropriate we will send home some new ideas for home learning.
Please read daily with your child. As we are sure you are aware the expectations for children in all areas of the curriculum have increased and it is important that children develop a good degree of fluency in their reading.
Kind regards,
Mrs. Luter and Miss Allen
Bamboo Tamboo !
We have been learning to play this marvellous, fascinating instrument in Giraffe Class!
Today we showed some of our mums and dads what we have been learning. After half term it will be Elephant Class will get to learn how to play the Bamboo Tamboo!
We will be continuing with our Titanic topic after half term but will move onto learning about Kings and Queens. So please continue with Titanic home learning we have been amazed by the quality of work that the children have produced!
Have a wonderful, restful half term!
Mrs. Luter and Miss Allen