Sea City Museum!

We had a fantastic time at the Sea City Museum on Friday! Thank you so much again to all the parents and grandparents who were able to offer their time to help us. We really do appreciate it, as without you our wonderful trips cannot take place and as you saw this one was so beneficial to the children’s learning around this topic.

We all learnt lots of amazing facts about the Titanic and found out what it would have been like to be on board back in 1912! Hope they have been sharing them with you over the weekend.

The children enjoyed dressing up as ship staff and passengers who would have been on the Titanic as well as learning about names of real people and whether or not they survived the tragedy! We explored different items that would have been on the ship as well as trying to match up different smells to areas of the ship. The children also had a go at discovering how many compartments needed to fill with water before the ship would sink. We found out that if Titanic only had four compartments filled with water then it would have survived!

We are excited to find out what is inside the topic box which we bought back to school with us from the museum. All shall be revealed next week when we begin lots more work around the Titanic!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Allen, Mrs Luter, Mrs Wickes, Mrs Chapman and Mrs Hewett


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