Welcome back to the new term!

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas break! Well done to all the children for working so hard with completing their home learning over the holidays as well as taking part in the Bug Club Challenge with reading lots of books!

We have had a lovely first week back settling into our learning and we are very excited that we have now launched our new topic for the term which is Titanic where we have been learning lots of facts and acting out what it might have been like to be a passenger on the ship at the time of the disaster! We are all excited to find out more on Friday when we visit the Sea City Museum!

During numeracy we are continuing to practice our addition and subtraction skills. There is homework on Abacus to support this learning. Thank you so much for your continuous support with the home learning, it is showing great impact on the children’s learning.

Miss Allen, Mrs Luter, Mrs Wickes, Mrs Hewitt and Mrs Chapman